Gift of Love: 4-year-old Jayden hopes for big brothers in forever family

“He loves to come up and get snuggles.”
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Updated: May. 19, 2021 at 11:27 PM CDT

TYLER, Texas (KLTV) - From the moment we met Jayden, 4, at Little Land in Tyler, his attentive creativity was on full display.

“Jayden is Jayden all by himself,” said his foster mom Kendrasha Gray. “He’ll look in a book and make up his own story as to what he thinks is going on.”

We watched as Jayden carefully set up colored blocks and toy cars one-by-one and took them down just the same.

According to Gray, this soon-to-be five-year-old doesn’t need a whole lot to have a good time.

“He’s very family-oriented,” said Gray. “He loves to come up and get snuggles.”

While Jayden loves to have fun, he also finds joy in structure. He carries that maturity into his daily chores, too.

“He really does kind of act like a little old man, you know how they have a little routine?” Gray said with a laugh. “Jayden does really well with a routine. On Tuesday, Jayden knows that it’s trash day, so he will make sure that he takes out the recycle. He likes to have a job. I think that’s what he thrives on.”

Being alone in the foster care system, Gray sees Jayden’s desire for siblings.

“He always says ‘my brother, my brother,’ so he’d really do well with an older sibling,” said Gray.

But more than anything, he’s hopeful for the forever family who will give him the chance at the Gift of Love.

For more information on how to adopt Jayden or other East Texas children available for adoption. Please email .

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