Inflation is taking a bite out of Fourth of July celebrations

LINCOLN, Neb. (KLKN) – The Fourth of July is a time for family, fireworks and fun.

However, the cost of celebrating the holiday is getting expensive.

According to a survey by the American Farm Bureau, cookout food staples are up 5 percent from last year and 30 percent higher than 5 years ago.

The average cost of a cookout for 10 people this year is a record high 71 dollars, up about 2 dollars from the last record in 2022.

One of the biggest increases are proteins, specifically ground beef.

The price of two pounds of ground beef this year is up 11 percent from 2023.

Melissa Miller, who was celebrating the holiday at Holmes Lake with family, says her small gathering of 6 people cost a lot.

“I would say the cost, say like a chicken dinner to feed like eight people, probably easily went up 40 to 50 bucks.” said Melissa.

She says even buying side dishes like potato salad, and baked beans can get pricy.

“Baked Beans for 2 pounds was like 14 dollars,” explains Melissa. “Could have made it cheaper at home but plans kind of came together at the end of the day so it was easier to go to the store and get it made.”

Last year, Melissa says her family hosted a potluck to celebrate the 4th.

This year, her family had a much smaller celebration and with the rise in food prices, she didn’t purchase fireworks.

“This year, you really feel that pain, because if you spend $100 on fireworks, you could have spent that on gas or more food or, you know, towards a bill.” said Miller.

Melissa has been buying items in bulk and staying away from named brands to cut down on her grocery bill.

She says despite of rising costs, the holiday for her is just about spending time with family.

“If we can stay somewhat close to each other, get together, and spend a few hours together, that’s what matters.” said Miller.

Categories: Lancaster, News