Cornhusker Council/Boy Scouts of America

Boy Scouts

Scout BSA Resident Camp: a long-term camping experience of seven days and six nights, is one of the great highlights for boys and girls in Scouting. Traditionally considered as one of the cornerstones of the Scouting program, summer camp is the climax of the Troop’s year-round camp program. Camp Cornhusker continues the legacy and builds on the traditions of over fifty years of resident camping. Make sure your troop makes plans to join us for a summer full of fun and excitement.

Cub Scout Resident Camp: Cub Scout Resident Camp is specifically designed to provide you and your Cub an exceptional weekend adventure that will use the Cub Scout Delivery Program of Rank and Advancement to provide you a lifetime memory of fun in the Summer.

Webelos Camp: Webelos Camp is an exciting adventure for your Webelos Scout. It provides a fun filled environment, with just the right mixture of challenge. Boys graduating third or fourth grade in your fine camping experience. It’s learning how to work together and play together. In the great outdoors, Webelos gain in experience, Bear/Webelos Dens are rapidly expanding their horizons. Webelos Camp gives them a peek at what is just over the hill. The activities are planned specifically for Webelos and will greatly aid the Webelos Leader in helping those energetic Scouts is an adventure…with a purpose. It’s camping out, in a safe and pleasurable environment to ensure that our Webelos have knowledge, and self-reliance with the help of their Webelos Leader and a trained camp program staff.

Categories: Camp It, Showcase Nebraska