Animals in Nebraska get ready for bed during solar eclipse

PICKRELL, Neb. (KLKN) – The solar eclipse on Monday afternoon captivated both humans and animals alike, and the animals’ behavior was out of the ordinary.

Shepherd’s Rest Rescue near Pickrell that primarily shelters goats, but also sheep, miniature horses and an alpaca. The rescue currently has 93 animals.

The owner of the rescue, Jen Schurman, said the animals are usually very active and playful, and they made sure to greet a Channel 8 reporter when he arrived.

But as the eclipse crept closer, their behavior became strange.

The animals were very noisy and friendly initially, but as the sun changed, an eerie silence fell over the farm.

The animals returned to their barns and began to nest as if it were nighttime.

Schurman said this behavior was “completely unusual for the time of day.”

Categories: 2024 Total Solar Eclipse, Gage, News