

Wellness Wednesday: Staying fit in the new year

Posted at 3:33 PM, Jan 19, 2024

BOISE, Idaho — It's Wellness Wednesday where we're healthier together. As gym memberships pick up, we've got some good reminders on how to get into shape the right way.

  • Don't worry about how much you're lifting or doing, just do some and stick to a regular schedule.
  • Make sure to stay hydrated, get enough sleep and socialize.
  • Minor soreness is ok, but any pain that makes it hard to do normal movements is too much.
  • Stretch before and after and do not overdo it.. As soon as you feel the muscle tighten even slightly, stop there.

(Below is the transcript from the broadcast story)

Getting back in the gym can be an intimidating experience especially If you haven't done much since coronavirus.

"It's totally understandable and I think we're all ready to reframe and make some changes," says Dr. Aaron Campbell, sports physician with St. Al's.

If you're ready to get back in shape, remember, it's a marathon not a sprint. First things first… just do it.

"The hardest part of working out is getting to the class. That's what's nice about working with a group of people.," explains Dennis Nielson. "That motivates you to get to the class."

Classes help with consistency but they're not necessary, and neither is a gym.

"What's the best way to start? Well just walk around the block you don't have to do anything big," says Campbell.

You should also do a single pushup, a single sit-up, simple things, but the key he says is to do it consistently. That's something that trainers agree is a good idea.

"We want to create a lifestyle and creating a lifestyle change takes at least 12 weeks," says Mary Biddle-Newberry, YMCA fitness instructor.

Meeting with a trainer just one time can help you set the right level of weights for your fitness. You don't want to overdo it and end up with soreness.

"Honestly that is preventable by starting slow and low," says Campbell.

Other key things to remember according to Dr. Campbell is to make sure to drink lots of water, get plenty of sleep and do your best to be social.