

Made in Idaho: The Tee Box

Idaho's first mobile golf simulator
Posted at 6:13 AM, Feb 23, 2024

  • The Tee Box is Idaho's first mobile golf simulator
  • League play starts on Sunday, March 3rd
  • For more information on how you can get inside The Tee Box, click here.

(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story.)

Tyson Sessions and Josh Kinghorn, were both raised locally, and have been close friends since their Sophomore year at Borah High School.

"So 1995? 6? In geometry class. No, it was algebra cause I didn't make it to geometry. Oh no, no, no. Biology! Yeah Biology class. There we go," bantered Tee Box LLC co-owners Tyson Sessions and Josh Kinghorn.

The two would eventually follow different career paths, but stayed close, and about ten years ago, picked up the game of golf.

"More or less picked it up as something fun to do and still don't ever get to play as much as I want to. Weekend Warriors," said Sessions.

Then about two years ago, Josh had an idea.

"My wife asked me one night if we could put in a pool. I said no. And she was like, well, I just want something that we can do with our friends and entertain. And I said why don't we put a golf simulator in our backyard? And she said we can do that?! And I said yeah, tech's come a long way, probably cheaper than a pool, and so we started designing it," said Kinghorn.

But then another idea had Josh pick up the phone and call Tyson right away.

"Weird, but do you think we could put a golf simulator in a trailer? And...a couple minutes pause. Don't see why not? That seems like a brilliant idea," said Kinghorn.

So they got together to discuss if that would even be possible.

"I think the whole concept started on a napkin. And we started drawing it up and started doing the research," said Kinghorn.

And after months of research, investment, and hard work, The Tee Box was created; Idaho's first mobile golf simulator. They unveiled it to the public for the first time at a golf show just a few weeks ago.

"It was a lot of fun. We had thousands of people walking by asking what it was. We actually even had people offer to buy the trailer as a whole. Clearly that was a hard pass on our part," said Kinghorn.

As you may have noticed if you're watching the video, I got a chance to jump in the Tee Box and hit some balls, and I absolutely loved it.

And on March 2nd, Treasure Valley golfers will be able to get in the Tee Box themselves playing one of the hundreds of real and fantasy courses.

"Over 200 currently, with an additional 750, I believe, coming," said Sessions.

These two Idaho-raised golfers are incredibly proud of their creation, and are excited to get their follow Idahoans on the virtual golf course, rain or shine.

"I'm a super proud Idahoan. I couldn't think of a better place to live so what better way to have a business that keeps you here and you get to enjoy while you're here. And you're not limited to just the summers anymore! laughed Sessions and Kinghorn.