CommunityIdaho News 6 Shine a Light


November Shines a Light on Breaking Chains Academy of Development

Posted at 5:00 AM, Nov 22, 2023

Executive Director Luis Granados of the Breaking Chains Academy of Development is the November recipient of the Shine A Light award.

The Academy is a non-profit organization that offers assistance and solutions for at-risk youth in Canyon County.

Granados explains the Academy's goal of helping participants find their way, providing education services, work skills training, and mentoring programs.

They help individuals by creating a safe space, supporting them to get their GED, and providing daily meals and hygiene products, while also offering victim and mental health resources.

Granados, himself, is a graduate of the program, gaining his diploma and work experience thanks to the support he received from the Academy. Today, he takes pride in being a part of the executive leadership for the Academy and continuing its mission of helping those in need in Canyon County.