Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

We run short courses aimed at equipping working professionals with specialised skills.

Microscope slide of a wood sample

Explore our popular courses

Here are several popular courses that we provide for working professionals, such as academics, craftspeople and practical scientists, to update their skills. We sometimes provide tailor-made, in-house training for institutions.

Plant Taxonomy Skills for Ecology and Conservation

Learn taxonomy skills for conservation​ to independently conduct taxonomic work.

Seed Conservation Techniques

Learn how to collect, conserve and manage high quality, ex-situ collections of wild plant seeds.

Tropical Plant Identification

Our botanists share their expertise in identifying plants from the biodiversity-rich tropical regions of the world.

Use of Scientific Plant Names for Herbal Products

Discover the relationships between pharmaceutical names for drugs and scientific plant names.

Wood Identification

Find out how to identify wood using features of their cells and tissues visible only under the microscope.

Plant cryopreservation – theory and practice

Learn how to apply different cryopreservation approaches for ex situ plant conservation.

A group of people listen to a blue shirted person talking about in a leaf in a large glasshouse

Are you looking for CPD for teachers?

Discover how you can use plants to bring the curriculum alive and engage pupils in developing new scientific knowledge and skills.