GSB 7.1 Standardlösung

Navigation and service


Public notification

The Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) may serve administrative acts by public notice in accordance with section 10 of the Administrative Service Act (VwZG) if

the addressee's whereabouts are unknown and service on a representative or agent is not possible, or

in the case of legal persons who are obliged to register a domestic business address with the Commercial Register, service is not possible either at the registered address or at an address entered in the Commercial Register of a person authorised to receive service or at another domestic address known without investigation, or

it is not possible or promising in the case of section 9 VwZG.

For public service of administrative act, the KBA generally designates this website as the relevant office within the meaning of section 10(2) sentence 1 VwZG. Public service is effected by publishing the notification required by law. Publicly served administrative acts are deemed to be served two weeks from the date of the notice.

Service of administrative act can set deadlines in motion after the expiry of which there is a risk of loss of rights (e. g. expiry of the time limit for lodging an objection).

Name / CompanyFile NumberPublication onExpiry DateAnnouncement
(only in German)