GSB 7.1 Standardlösung

Navigation and service


Automated / Autonomous Driving

Level-4 Fahrzeug

In the course of the past few years, the topic of autonomous driving has continued to develop. Currently, in addition to definitions that divide the driving task into different areas or levels, there are also national and international regulations on which the first autonomous vehicles or corresponding automated driving systems (ADS) can be approved. Information on the Levels of Automation as well as on the Legislation on Autonomous Driving can be found in the corresponding subsections of this page.

In order to test automated / autonomous functions, an expansion of the market surveillance infrastructure is necessary, for example to be able to carry out traffic scenarios safely and realistically. One example of the expansion of the test infrastructure is the procurement of so-called Targets.

Targets: Flat, drive-over platforms that use "soft" textiles and rods to replicate the contour of the vehicle. They are unmanned and remote-controlled.

An example of testing an autonomous system is given under the section Test Scenarios.

The first approvals granted by KBA for an automated and an autonomous driving function have shown that automated / autonomous driving is already no longer just a theoretical topic.