GSB 7.1 Standardlösung

Navigation and service


Levels of Automation

Especially the so-called SAE levels (levels that classify assisted, automated and autonomous driving according to the SAE standard J3016) have become established for the definition of the respective continuous driving automation. The following SAE levels are described by the SAE standard:

SAE Level

The Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt), as the central research institution of the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV), has introduced a further subdivision based on the SAE levels and focusing on the role of "today's driver". The three central modes of the BASt (see BASt-Website) are intended to simplify the classifications that are widespread among experts and to provide users with an overview of the human roles that are emerging with increasing vehicle automation. The user-centred simplification is shown in the figure below:


The figure provides two bars for each mode, which are to be understood as a timeline from left to right. The upper bar (yellow) represents the operating time of the human driver. The lower bar (green) in turn represents the operating time of the respective assisting, automating or autonomous function.

As already mentioned, the three modes of the BASt are based on the SAE levels, which classify and define assisted, automated and autonomous driving (SAE- Standard J3016). How the SAE levels are divided among the previously described roles and what characterises the SAE levels can be taken from the following illustration.

Classification of the functions according to the SAE levels