GSB 7.1 Standardlösung

Navigation and service

The English version of the KBA website provides extensive information on its specialist tasks. Please understand that some content, such as press releases, is only available in German.



Information from the register of driver fitness (points)

If you wish to view your entries in the register of driver fitness ("Verkehrssünderkartei"), you can obtain information free of charge.


Online register information

You can obtain online information about the data stored about you in the ZFZR (vehicles), FAER (points), ZFER (driving licenses) and BQR (certificates). This information can be downloaded immediately as an officially sealed document.


Recall database

Recalls are conducted by vehicle manufacturers to address product defects. To ensure that serious hazards are completely eliminated, the vehicle manufacturer may be required to use the owner addresses from the Central Vehicle Register (ZFZR) of the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt. When you search the recall database, you will only find recalls that are carried out using the keeper addresses from the ZFZR.


Defect reporter

A technical defect has occurred in your vehicle or the vehicle’s part and you suspect that this is a serial issue that poses a potential risk to you or third parties. You can use the reporting form to report the defect online.


Online proof of the National Type Approval

If you do not have the National Type Approval (Allgemeine Betriebserlaubnis - ABE) for a vehicle or trailer registered in the former German Democratic Republic (DDR) anymore, you can apply online for the respective proof of the granted National Type Approval. Please note that the application can only be submitted in German.

(only in German)


WMI (World Manufacturer Identifier)

Vehicle manufacturers with administrative headquarters in Germany or their authorized representatives can apply for a WMI online here for a fee. The WMI makes it possible to assign a vehicle to the responsible vehicle manufacturer without any doubt, as it is only assigned once worldwide.

(only in German)

World Manufacturer Identifier

Road freight transport statistics (JavaScript necessary) Registered users

Online questionnaire on road freight transport statistics

The survey is conducted to gain knowledge about the development of road freight transport. They are the basis for traffic forecasts as well as for the preparation of transport and economic policy decisions at national and EU level. Since 2016, the KBA has offered the possibility to answer the questionnaire online.


Register of Professional Drivers Qualification Registered users

Online application for recognized training centers

To submit accelerated basic qualifications and continuing education to the BQR and to access the BQR inquiry/information procedure, state-recognized training centers can register at the following link.


Verwendungsnachweisdaten Registered users

Use of forms of the registration certificate part II

Manufacturers of vehicles or their authorized representatives can submit data here online to prove the use of forms for the registration certificate Part II and data for completing the registration certificate Line I.This data can be transferred to the Federal Motor Transport Authority by uploading an XML file or by entering it in a data entry mask.


Initial Vehicle Information - Certificate of Conformity (IVI-CoC) Registered users

Transmission of data sets for the completion of registration documents

Vehicle manufacturers or their authorized representatives can transmit vehicle-specific technical data based on the certificate of conformity (CoC) online here.This data can be transmitted to the Federal Motor Transport Authority by uploading an XML file.

