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Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response

Continuously hunting, detecting, and responding to threats targeting your enterprise

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Many businesses today struggle to find the expertise and resources needed to track down cyberthreats heading their way, and to respond appropriately. Security teams can be overwhelmed by managing systems and tools, leaving little time for thorough investigation and analysis. Additionally, even an in-house SOC often requires an external perspective on the infrastructure and insights from an international team of experts to assess the situation and receive recommendations for further actions. That’s where Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response (MDR) steps in.

Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response

Key benefits

Round-the-clock managed protection against today’s evasive threats

  • Patented machine-learning models, unique threat intelligence and a proven track record of effective targeted attack research ensure continuous defense against even the most complex threats

  • Fully managed ongoing detection, prioritization, investigation and response - preventing business disruption and minimizing the overall impact of any incident

  • Complete visibility into all observed malicious activities and your existing protection status ensures you have ongoing real-time situational awareness.

The flexibility to suit every industry sector and organizational need

  • Fast, scalable turnkey deployment delivers an instantly matured IT security function without the need to invest in additional staff or expertise

  • Automated or guided incident response provides a swift reaction while keeping all response actions within your full control

  • Extended functionality and flexibility for mature IT security teams. Off load your incident triage and investigation processes to Kaspersky, and focus your expensive in-house resources on reacting to the critical outcomes delivered.

Cost-effective and cost-justified IT security investment

  • The reassurance of knowing you’re continuously protected against even the most innovative threats

  • The capacity to manage complex incidents, minimizing the associated overheads without having to employ and train in-house security specialists.

  • All the major advantages of having your internal security expert team, with none of the associated costs, complexities or resource commitments.

Additional services

A set of optional elements provided separately can be used to tailor our service functionality to your specific requirements, providing enhanced flexibility when needed.

Compromise assessment
The service which allows to reveal any current or past cyberattacks and their possible sources.
Hands-on trainings for SOC analysts
Comprehensive training programs covering digital forensics, malware analysis and incident response topics.
Incident response retainer
Full incident investigation and response cycle to manage the aftermath of a security breach.
Tabletop exercises
A guided exercise that validates an organization’s incident response procedures and plans.

Suitable for

Any organization struggling to deal with complex and APT-like threats, especially in the following industries:

Finance Services

Resource center


Learn more, with thought leadership from our globally recognized cybersecurity experts.

Additional services

Kaspersky Incident Response
Kaspersky Incident Response
Managing the aftermath of a security breach.
Kaspersky Threat Intelligence
KasperskyThreat Intelligence
A complex of products and services for in-depth visability into cyberthreats targeting your organization
Kaspersky Cybersecurity Training
KasperskyCybersecurity Training
Comprehensive training programs covering digital forensics, malware analysis and incident response topics
Kaspersky  SOC Consulting
Kaspersky SOC Consulting
Establish your own Security Operations Center or enhance existing security operations and combat security issues as they arise.