Packages and Binaries:


mitm6 is a pentesting tool that exploits the default configuration of Windows to take over the default DNS server. It does this by replying to DHCPv6 messages, providing victims with a link-local IPv6 address and setting the attackers host as default DNS server.

Installed size: 40 KB
How to install: sudo apt install mitm6

  • python3
  • python3-netifaces
  • python3-scapy
  • python3-twisted
root@kali:~# mitm6 -h
usage: mitm6 [-h] [-i INTERFACE] [-l LOCALDOMAIN] [-4 ADDRESS] [-6 ADDRESS]
             [-m ADDRESS] [-a] [-r TARGET] [-v] [--debug] [-d DOMAIN]
             [-b DOMAIN] [-hw DOMAIN] [-hb DOMAIN] [--ignore-nofqdn]

mitm6 - pwning IPv4 via IPv6
For help or reporting issues, visit

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INTERFACE, --interface INTERFACE
                        Interface to use (default: autodetect)
                        Domain name to use as DNS search domain (default: use
                        first DNS domain)
  -4 ADDRESS, --ipv4 ADDRESS
                        IPv4 address to send packets from (default:
  -6 ADDRESS, --ipv6 ADDRESS
                        IPv6 link-local address to send packets from (default:
                        Custom mac address - probably breaks stuff (default:
                        mac of selected interface)
  -a, --no-ra           Do not advertise ourselves (useful for networks which
                        detect rogue Router Advertisements)
  -r TARGET, --relay TARGET
                        Authentication relay target, will be used as fake DNS
                        server hostname to trigger Kerberos auth
  -v, --verbose         Show verbose information
  --debug               Show debug information

Filtering options:
  -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                        Domain name to filter DNS queries on (Allowlist
                        principle, multiple can be specified.)
  -b DOMAIN, --blocklist DOMAIN, --blacklist DOMAIN
                        Domain name to filter DNS queries on (Blocklist
                        principle, multiple can be specified.)
  -hw DOMAIN, -ha DOMAIN, --host-allowlist DOMAIN, --host-whitelist DOMAIN
                        Hostname (FQDN) to filter DHCPv6 queries on (Allowlist
                        principle, multiple can be specified.)
  -hb DOMAIN, --host-blocklist DOMAIN, --host-blacklist DOMAIN
                        Hostname (FQDN) to filter DHCPv6 queries on (Blocklist
                        principle, multiple can be specified.)
  --ignore-nofqdn       Ignore DHCPv6 queries that do not contain the Fully
                        Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) option.

Updated on: 2024-May-28