Target Premium Video Inventory on Web, Mobile and CTV

Ensure your ads are showing up within contextually relevant content, optimized for maximum viewability with industry-leading safety, reporting, and analytics

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Storytelling & Mindset Complimenting

Contextual Targeting

Challenge: Scarcity of premium video and reliance on publisher for URL classification

Solution: Targeting at video level to ensure accuracy, and increase incremental scale by up to 50%

When your video ad compliments the story of the video being watched, it creates a memorable and powerful impression.

  • Contextual advantages in video: 93% boost in ad recall, 93% boost in purchase intent*
  • 3,800+ segments to choose from
  • Also have contextual affinity targeting
  • JWP can help you develop a custom contextual strategy


Deterministic real time targeting

Real Time Viewability© & VCR

Take the guesswork out of viewability targeting with Real Time Viewability©.

  • 80%+ Average viewability & VCR
  • JWP Real Time Viewability© is a patented, accredited, and proven solution available at pre-bid
  • Only JWP targets based on real-time video level viewability
  • JWP was proven to have higher accuracy than other leading viewability partners, and higher viewable inventory than any other video player
Unlock Successful Video

Content Completion Rate

Did you know? 53% of online videos are only watched to 10% or less completion (average of 6 seconds)? The video is then either paused, skipped, or the page is clicked out of.

Video that has been watched to 25%+ yields higher ad recall, brand favorability, and higher ad viewability.

JWP targets videos with the highest content completion rate to determine where the most engaged eyeballs are.

Unique challenges & vulnerabilities

Video Brand Safety

GARM brand safety certified to ensure the content your ad is running on is brand safe. The content of each video, not the page, is analyzed to ensure a completely safe experience.

Actionable performance analytics

Reporting & Insights

Maintain total visibility into which video categories are your top performers and which videos are influencing the highest levels of engagement.

Logo of Dentsu in grey lowercase letters on a transparent background, perfectly designed for advertisers focusing on SEO and keywords.

"JWP was the highest performing video partner of 2022. JW Player achieved the highest viewability on completion, viewability, and VCR”

Aboucar Drame | Director of Progammatic | Dentsu

#1 video provider for driving purchase

JWP out performed every other video PMP partner and open exchange partner in a 2022 M&M’s campaign

  • efficiency index191
  • effectiveness index201