International Criminal Law

The ICC’s Use of Evidence Obtained by Torture Sets a Dangerous Precedent


Jul 23rd, 2024

Assessing the Civilian and Political Institutions of Armed Non-State Actors under International Law


Jul 22nd, 2024

The International Criminal Court’s Jurisdiction in Palestine and the ‘Oslo Accords Issue’


Jul 9th, 2024

Engaging Africa in the ICC Prosecutor’s New Policy Paper on Complementarity and Cooperation


Jul 8th, 2024

Symposium: ICC Prosecutor Launches Policy on Complementarity and Cooperation


Jun 20th, 2024

Two Tracks, One Destination? The Importance of Getting the Balance Right on Complementarity

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Jun 20th, 2024

Armed Conflict Classification in the ICC Prosecutor’s Request for Arrest Warrants – Between International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law


Jun 18th, 2024

​​Combatant Privilege vs. Criminal Responsibility for Organized Armed Groups


May 31st, 2024

Just Security’s Russia–Ukraine War Archive

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May 29th, 2024

Irrefutable Evidence for Unspeakable Crimes? The Role of the Written Order in Proving and Denying Genocide


May 13th, 2024

Armed Groups and International Law: Introduction to the Symposium

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May 8th, 2024

Deportation, Detention, and Other Crimes: In Ukraine, the Past and Present of International Criminal Law Converge


Apr 9th, 2024

Symposium: International Law in Ukraine – The View from Lviv


Apr 5th, 2024

In a Future Crimes Against Humanity Convention, States’ Duty to Prosecute Must Not Be Weakened


Mar 29th, 2024

Three Options for Designing a Single Residual Mechanism for Atrocity Crimes

by , , , and

Mar 21st, 2024

Legal, Political, and Administrative Considerations for Establishing a Single Residual Mechanism for Atrocity Crimes

by , , , and

Mar 18th, 2024

Consolidating the Aftermath of Justice – The Idea of a Single Residual Mechanism for Atrocity Crimes

by , , , and

Mar 13th, 2024

Introducing the Symposium on the Creation of a Single Residual Mechanism for Atrocity Crimes

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Mar 13th, 2024

Signals of Support for Gender Justice in the Draft Treaty on Crimes Against Humanity


Jan 19th, 2024

Syrian Regime Crimes on Trial in The Netherlands

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Nov 22nd, 2023

Strengthening Reproductive Autonomy in the Draft Crimes Against Humanity Treaty

by , , and

Nov 22nd, 2023

Kosovo Specialist Chambers and the Unappreciated Necessity of Contempt Proceedings in International Criminal Accountability


Nov 21st, 2023

Why the Crimes Against Humanity Treaty Should Codify Gender Apartheid

by , , , and

Oct 5th, 2023

Making Counter-Hegemonic International Law: Should A Special Tribunal for Aggression be International or Hybrid?


Sep 19th, 2023

Accountability for Russian Imperialism in the “Global East”


Aug 21st, 2023

Joint Symposium on U.S. Cooperation with the International Criminal Court’s Ukraine Investigation


Jul 17th, 2023

Is Henry Kissinger a War Criminal?


Jun 27th, 2023

Meta’s Oversight Board Recommends Major Advance in International Accountability


Jun 22nd, 2023

The Brussels Declaration: Russian International and Human Rights Lawyers’ Statement on Accountability

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Jun 12th, 2023

Could the Nova Kakhovka Dam Destruction Become the ICC’s First Environmental Crimes Case?


Jun 9th, 2023

Progress, Resistance, and Silence on Gender Justice in the Draft Crimes Against Humanity Treaty


Jun 6th, 2023

The ICC’s 2022 Gender Persecution Policy in Context: An Important Next Step Forward

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Jun 1st, 2023

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