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Your Message to the Department of Justice Webmaster

Comments and questions about the website may be submitted here.

Your question or comments will be reviewed by the webmaster and forwarded  to the responsible Department of Justice component.

All comments or questions regarding DOJ policies or programs, including messages to the Attorney General, should be submitted using the Department of Justice Comment Form.

Please note:

  • Before sending us your information, please read our Website Privacy Policy and the Privacy Act Statement below for details about how we handle personal information.
  • This form should not be used for service of official, case-related or legal documents because it is not monitored for such submissions or for other time-sensitive communications.
  • When commenting on a specific site or page, please include the site name and page title or URL in your message.
  • For information about republishing or using material from a DOJ Website, please see the Copyright Status section of the Legal Policies and Disclaimers page.
  • For information about linking to a DOJ Website, please see the Linking to the DOJ website section of the Legal Policies and Disclaimers page.

In some instances the volume of  communication on a particular issue is such that we cannot respond to each message individually. We would like you to know, however, that all incoming messages are forwarded to the appropriate organization within the Department of Justice and you can be assured that your voices and views are being heard.