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    Fact Checking


    Reuters Fact Check Fact-Checking Page
    Fact-checks from around the world on a variety of breaking topics.

    This free tool tracks public social media accounts across several platforms. Built by investigative journalists as part of the National Conference on Citizenship, a Congressionally-chartered nonprofit.

    AFP: Fighting Disinformation: AFP Shares Tools in Video


    Journalist’s Toolbox Coronavirus and COVID-19 Fact-Checking Resources

    Google Fact Check Explorer
    Look up and see a timeline of current fact-checks on news stories.

    Google News Initiative Verification Tools Course
    This course shows you time-saving methods to verify the authenticity and accuracy of images, videos and reports that you find in social media and elsewhere online. Tools used: Google Search, Google Maps, Google Earth, Google Translate.

    First Draft News
    Dozens of fact-checking tools and resources.

    First Draft News: Verification Toolbox Essential Guide to Responsible Reporting in an Age of Information Disorder

    First Draft News: Verification Training Course
    A free one-hour online course to help detect misinformation.

    Craig Silverman’s Verification and Digital Investigations Resources
    Essential plugins and tools for general OSINT/online research work.
    Dozens of resources from the Annenberg Public Policy Center.

    First Draft News: Covering Coronavirus – Privacy and Security Tips for Journalists

    First Draft News: Verifying Online Information — The Absolute Essentials

    Bellingcat: Beginner’s Guide to Social Media Verification

    Knight Science Journalism at MIT Fact-Checking Project

    Lots of information, tutorials, webcast on finding and verifying information.

    We Verify Browser Plug-in
    Fact-checking plug-in for Google Chrome

    The MuckRock/MisinfoCon Police Misinformation Tipsheet

    GIJN Guide to Fact-Checking Investigative Stories

    GIJN: Simple Tips for Verifying if a Tweet Screenshot Is Real or Fake

    Global scam database. Search for reported identities related to online scammers by crypto address, username, email, or phone number.

    Six Tools to Help With Geolocation

    First Draft: Fake News. It’s Complicated

    Politifact: How to Avoid Falling for Fake News

    PEN America: Combatting Protest Disinformation

    ONA: COVID-19 Misinformation Playbook

    GIJN: Deepfake Satellite Imagery
    How it’s done and what to watch for.

    ClaimReview Project
    The review usually takes less than 30 seconds. Fact-checkers enter a few basic details about an article such as the URL, the person and claim being checked, and the conclusion.
    Track Twitter timeline activity and find out when an account is most active. Track RTs, hashtags used and tweet times.

    Twitter account info, including devices and operating systems used. Lack locations, hashtags, mentions and likes.

    Twitter: 5 Tips for Spotting Misinformation on Twitter

    GIJN: A Global Guide to Initiatives Tackling Fake News

    Nordis: Fact-Checking Tools Database
    The database, which was conceived at a meeting during Global Fact 9 in Oslo, contains a list of tools connected to various parts of the fact-checking process, including the identification and verification of claims, as well as the distribution of fact-checks. The database was compiled by NORDIS member Laurence Dierickx (UiB) by joining a labelled dataset collected by the SCAM project at Oslo Metropolitan University with a dataset collected by the NORDIS UiB team.
    Website owner details. Retrieve names, ABNs, emails.

    YouTube Metadata
    Grabs singular details about a video and its uploader, playlist and creator/channel. Submit a link to a video, playlist or channel. Has reverse image/video search built-in.

    GIJN: Fact-Checking & Verification Guide

    Nieman Journalism Lab: What Makes an Election Rumor Go Viral? Look at These 10 Factors

    These videos were created by the SPJ Education Committee. Here’s a playlist of all of its training videos.

    This free tool tracks public social media accounts across several platforms. Built by investigative journalists as part of the National Conference on Citizenship, a Congressionally-chartered nonprofit.

    IJNET: 13 Tips for Investigating Political Disinformation

    IJNET: Environmental Reporters Face Disinformation Threats in China’s Restrictive Political Climate

    The Media Manipulation Casebook

    GIJN: Comprehensive Fact-Checking Guide Fact-Checking Page
    Fact-checks from around the world on a variety of breaking topics.

    Geolocation Estimation
    Helps locate geotagged images on a map.

    Verification Handbook for Investigative Reporting

    Get Your Facts Straight: The Basics of Fact-Checking
    A fact-checking toolkit from Deepak Adhikari, the editor of South Asia Check.

    AFP: Fighting Disinformation: AFP Shares Tools in Video

    MIT: Detect Deep-Fakes
    Works much like Spot the Troll does with spotting fake Twitter accounts, this tool gives you examples of deep-fake photos and videos and breaks down how you tell which one is fake.

    GIJN: Video Resources for Mapping, Satellites, Storytelling, Testing, Tracking, and Disinformation

    Verification Handbook, Vol. II
    From Craig Silverman, this guide gives you tools to verify digital content for emergency coverage.

    Media Manipulation CasebookFrom Harvard’s Shorenstein Center, this digital research platform linking together theory, methods, and practice for mapping media manipulation and disinformation campaigns. This resource is intended for researchers, journalists, technologists, policymakers, educators, and civil society organizers who want to learn about detecting, documenting, describing, and debunking misinformation.

    Verification Handbook, Vol. I
    From Craig Silverman, this guide gives you tools to verify digital content for emergency coverage.

    Flashpoint: OSINT Tools Library

    Free online EXIF viewer and remover. It’s useful to journalists for fact-checking, image location search, photojournalism. There are few other similar websites available, but some of them lack a secure HTTPS connection or the ability to remove EXIF data, not just view it.

    Lets users analyze the position of shadows and the sun at any given time and date, at any given location.

    Facial recognition reverse image search.

    BBC Africa Eye: Digital Forensics Dashboard
    A collation of some essential tools tailored to journalists using open source intelligence (OSINT) to carry out investigations.

    GIJN: How to Use SunCalc to Geolocate Photos and Videos

    SciCheck’s SciCheck feature focuses exclusively on false and misleading scientific claims that are made by partisans to influence public policy. It was launched in January 2015 with a grant from the Stanton Foundation. The foundation was founded by the late Frank Stanton, president of CBS for 25 years, from 1946 to 1971.

    SIFT (The Four Moves)
    Washington State professor Mike Caufield lays out an approach to fact-checking the news.

    The Journalist’s Resource: Covering Public Officials Who Spread Misinformation

    Video: How to OSINT?
    A YouTube channel with tutorials on how to use OSINT for fact checking and verification of viral videos or pictures.

    First Draft News: A Guide to Prebunking: A Promising Way to Inoculate Against Misinformation

    Stanford FSI | Cyber – How to Responsibly Report on Hacks and Disinformation

    Media Manipulation Casebook

    The Media Manipulation Casebook
    A research platform that advances knowledge of misinformation and disinformation and their threats to democracy, public health and security.

    EXIF Tool
    Read, write and edit meta information in photos.

    Video: Journalism and the Pandemic: The Disinfodemic
    ICFJ webinar on disinformation during the pandemic.

    Reuters News Training Course: Manipulated Media

    Twitter List: Disinformation Essentials

    Trusting News E-Newsletter

    Indiana University Misinformation Tools
    Created by the school’s Observatory on Social Media.

    Videos: Online Investigative Tips for Journalists
    This playlist provides quick tutorials in online tools from AFP journalists. Go back in time using maps, learn how to use your phone to read foreign languages, search the web using a photo and more. Videos featuring specific investigations take you inside AFP’s bureaus around the world where journalists put some of these tools to use every day.

    GIJN Tipsheet: How to Monitor Social Media for Misinformation

    Visualizing the relationship between COVID-19 vaccine adoption and online (mis)information. From Indiana University’s Observatory on Social Media.

    Who Posted What?
    A free, non-public Facebook keyword search for people who work in the public interest. It allows you to search keywords on specific dates.

    Verification and Digital Verification Resources

    Learn everything about a domain name, IP address or a provider.

    Who Posted What
    Non-public Facebook keyword search.

    News Media Alliance: Journalists’ Tips for Avoiding Fake News

    Nitter: Anonymous Twitter Search

    PIMEyes Facial Recognition Search Tool

    Yandex Image Search

    Google Advanced Search Operators

    First Draft News: Election 2020 Dashboard
    Daily snapshots of what its investigative team finds online.

    Stanford Internet Observatory
    Works to fight misinformation and disinformation.

    GIJN: New Technology and Online Resources to Conduct Investigations With Old Photos

    Kevin Nguyen’s OSINT Links for Ukraine and Australia
    The Cabinet Office of the Government of the United Kingdom reminds us that things online are not always what they seem. They supply this checklist to use before you share.

    Washington Post: Ukraine Visual Forensics – How Do Journalists Know Photos and Videos Are Real?

    The Atlantic: What is the Russian Internet Research Agency?
    Read about the origins of Russia’s Internet Research Agency, which spreads disinformation, creates troll accounts, etc.

    Just enter a Twitter ID to run a simple analysis. Analyze friends, tweet trends, follows and followers.
    This tool enables you to evaluate Twitter accounts. For example how automated they are, how many Retweets they post, or which websites they link to most often.

    AFP Course: Digital Investigation Techniques

    A platform-independent Perl library plus a command-line application for reading, writing and editing meta information in a variety of files, including photos. It’s great for extracting information about a photo from its meta data and is useful for fact-checking.

    10 Digital Forensic Tips from Bellingcat

    Politifact Guide to Fake News Sites

    Snopes: Field Guide to Fake News Sites

    Fact-checking collaboration between Norwegian news organizations.

    French fact-check org that’s part of First Draft News.
    Verify and refute disinformation and propaganda about events in Ukraine being circulated in the media.

    Finding the Truth Among Fakes
    Fact-checking guide from Al Jazeera.

    Harvard’s Journalist’s Resource: Fake News and Fact-Checking – Seven Studies You Should Know About

    Fake News, Misleading News, Biased News: Fact-Checking Sites and Plug-Ins
    From HCC Libraries

    Reveal: Image Verification Assistant
    Upload images to verify them. Tool is built by a joint team of engineers and investigators from CERTH-ITI and Deutsche Welle, trying to build a comprehensive tool for media verification on the Web. The Media Verification Assistant features a multitude of image tampering detection algorithms plus metadata analysis, GPS Geolocation, EXIF Thumbnail extraction and integration with reverse image search via Google.

    Reveal Image Verification Assistant
    Uses a variety of techniques to verify a photo and show if it’s been doctored. Upload or link to a photo. Does a good job of explaining the science of digital image forensics.

    Soch Fact Check
    Fact-checking website from Pakistan, launched in 2020, only IFCN signatory, and fighting to gain traction in an environment rife with information disorder. Urban Legends Reference Pages
    Think a story or tip might be made up? Use this page to search for some urban legends.

    Internet Troll and Disinformation Quiz

    International Fact-Checking Network: Online Training Course

    First Draft News: How to Analzye Facebook Data for Misinformation Trends

    Good for fact-checking misinformation and disinformation campaigns across multiple platforms. Given a set of URLs, this package detects coordinated link sharing behavior (CLSB) and outputs the network of entities that performed such behavior.

    Center for Media Engagement: Gaining Trust in TV News
    The Center for Media Engagement examined how TV news stations can increase trust by including certain elements in a story.

    A mind-mapping tool, free within certain limits, that is particularly efficient in documenting journalistic research. The sources, references and resources can be linked in an easy to build graph and this valuable information, unlike footnotes will become alive as the readers can click through, access the resources directly and like, comment, share and even suggest extensions to the maintainer. Building Community Trust in Newsrooms
    A great guide on how to be inclusive when practicing journalism. Great tips.

    Tow Center: A Guide to Open Source Intelligence and Hostile Communities

    Newsroom Transparency Tracker
    A tool that equips you to assess the transparency of leading national and regional media outlets by surfacing the policies, practices, and people behind the news. The Tracker encourages media outlets to be accountable to the public and empowers the public to make informed choices about the news they watch, listen to, and read.

    First Draft News: Newsgathering and Monitoring on the Social Web

    Teaching Students to Earn Trust
    Resources from Joy Mayer with

    Stalk Scan
    Scan Facebook profiles to see where people are posting.

    WCSJ: Fact-Checking in the Age of Misinformation (2017)

    Sourceful: Crap Detection Resources
    Listing of fact-checking tools.

    Veracity App
    Reverse verification app.

    For more training videos, visit our YouTube page.

    The Journalist’s Resource Tipsheet: Don’t Say ‘Prove’: How to Report on the Conclusiveness of Research Findings
    This tipsheet from Harvard explains why it’s almost always inaccurate for a journalist to report that a research study or group of studies proves anything. It also offers reporters and editors tips for getting it right.

    TedEd: How to Spot a Misleading Graphic

    Washington Post: Ukraine Visual Forensics – How Do Journalists Know Photos and Videos Are Real?

    Who Is Behind This Website?
    An excellent set of tips and tools to track the source of a website.

    Keyhole Social Media Account Analytics
    Use account tracking data to measure and grow your social media accounts and spy on competitors. Social Media Account Analytics for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

    Brookings: What are Readers Likely to Believe in a Fact-Check

    Nieman Lab: Hyperpartisan Sites Posing as Local News Sites
    Use this map to see if some are located near you.

    Reverse image/facial recognition.

    ICFJ: Nine Tools for Verifying Images

    A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.

    GIJN: Three Quick Ways to Verify Images on a Smartphone

    Before and After the Vote: A Journalism Resource Database
    From Free Press, this database database features more than 100 resources that address ways to: Cover white supremacy and white-supremacist violence; report on police, protests, uprisings and demonstrations, detect and combat misinformation and disinformation; produce coverage that upholds election integrity; protect journalists’ physical safety and secure digital communications.

    AfricaCheck: How to Spot Fakes and Hoaxes Online

    NY Times: Satellite Images and Shadow Analysis: How The Times Verifies Eyewitness Videos

    Pictures taken by digital cameras can contain a lot of information, like data, time and camera used. But last generation cameras and phones can add the GPS coordinates of the place where it was taken, making it a privacy hazard. You can be showing your home’s location to the world. Using this tool you can view and remove exif data online of your pictures without downloading any program.

    Tips on Investigating Disinformation Networks from BuzzFeed’s Craig Silverman
    From his session at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference.

    Freedom Forum: Quick Guide to Spotting Fake News

    Type in an address or location with a time frame and find videos uploaded from that area. Great for fact-checking locations and crowdsourcing.

    Washington Post: Fact-Checkers Guide to Manipulated Video
    Can be used to play YouTube and Vimeo videos frame by frame, to see any inconsistencies in content.

    Trusting News: How to Build Trust with your TV Audience

    First Draft News: Guides to Verify Photos and Videos

    GIJN: How to Spot Deep Fake Videos

    ICFJ: A Short Guide to the History of “Fake News” and Disinformation

    Global Investigative Journalism Network: Fact-Checking and Verification

    Bellingcats Digital Forensics Tools
    Open source verification and investigative tools.
    Updated in spring 2019, the site includes a searchable database shares the best examples of what has worked for media outlets to earn trust from readers. It’s organized around the problems we know you’re facing and allows you to filter around these themes and drill down to get even more specific help. Prepare Yourself for the Next Viral Hoax
    Check out this advice to make sure you are prepared for the next viral hoax.

    First Draft News: Understanding Information Disorder

    How to Monitor Social Media for Misinformation

    Global Investigative Journalism Network: Advanced Guide to Verifying Video Content

    Amnesty International: YouTube DataViewer
    Get a video’s thumbnails and do a reverse image search on them in one click.

    American Press Institute Fact-Checking Resources

    Visualize the spread of claims and fact checking.
    A reverse lookup of You can locate a site by registrant.

    Washington Post: Fact-Checker’s Guide

    API: Nine Tips for Covering Election Misinformation

    For more training videos, visit our YouTube page.

    Washington Post: Fact-Checker Tool

    Media Cloud
    Create an instant analysis of how digital news media covers your topic of interest. You can see attention to the issue, the language used, and the people and places mentioned. Great for fact-checking claims about what the media is/is not covering. Doesn’t cover social media post but mentions in website posts.

    Fact-checking algorithm from Duke University that monitors CNN transcripts for claims that are fact-checkable. Read this paper on how it works.

    Via CJR: Developed at Journalism++ in Sweden, this system monitors open government data and identifies statistically interesting leads based on anomalies, outliers, and trends in numerical data streams such as real estate prices, weather patterns, and crime reports, among others.

    10 Best Fact-Checking Tools


    InVid Video Verification Plug-in
    Browser plug-in that assists in debunking fake videos.

    Duke Reporter’s Lab: Fact-Checking Sites/Efforts

    The Trust Project: Transparency Tools for Journalists

    Tools for Trust
    Lists of tools for building trust with your audience from WeAreHearken’s Jennifer Brandel, Mark Little, Aron Pilhofer and more.

    These videos were created by the SPJ Education Committee. Here’s a playlist of all of its training videos.

    Chrome and Firefox plug-in that verifies photos and video.

    Classroom resources for news literacy and fact-checking from The News Literacy Project.

    National Association for Media Literacy Education
    Resources galore. Follow on Twitter at @medialiteracyed.

    First Draft News Journalist Guides
    Guides to social sources, copyright law and covering trauma.

    Verification Junkie
    This tool from Josh Stearns centralizes several social media verification tools in one place. Great for reporting and fact-checking on deadline.

    FirstDraftNews: The 5 sources of fake news everyone needs to look out for online

    Indiana University: Tips and Resources for Fact-Checking and Detecting Fake News

    Track where and how fake news is spreading over social channels. Built by Indiana University.

    A Field Guide to Fake News
    Produced by First Draft News and the Public Data Lab.

    CUNY: Fact-Checking, Verification and Fake News Guide

    Duke Reporter’s Lab Fact-Checking Tools

    The Trust Project: Transparency Tools for Journalists

    Classroom resources for news literacy and fact-checking from The News Literacy Project.

    Custom Writing: Fact-Checking Your Writing
    A nice list of basic tips and tools.

    National Association for Media Literacy Education
    Resources galore. Follow on Twitter at @medialiteracyed.

    First Draft News Journalist Guides
    Guides to social sources, copyright law and covering trauma.

    Created by Meedan, this tool helps you verify breaking news.

    Public List of Fake News Sites

    GIJN: Advanced Guide on Verifying Video Content Facial Recognition
    Use AI to fact-check/search photos.

    Foto Forensics
    Put in an image URL or drag a photo into this free tool to see how much editing has been done to it. Great for fact-checking fake photos.

    Similar to Foto Forensics, it breaks down meta-data and other parts of photos for fact-checking.

    Image forensics tool. Use to fact-check images by confirming locations.

    Travel Time Map
    Estimates travel time by driving, walking, public transport, etc. Good for confirming timelines in investigative or crime stories.

    Rapid Tables
    Load in a photo and measure pixels to confirm sizes. Great for IDing weapons or verifying shadow lengths. Credit to Tom Jarvis for sharing this.

    Jeffrey’s Exif Viewers
    Review a photo’s metadata. Helps with verification.

    Google Images: Reverse Image Search
    Fact-check photos and see when they were first posted.

    Video: How to Use Google Reverse Image Search

    Similar to Google Image search. Fact-check photos.
    Social backgrounding tool helpful for fact-checking. Gives you rich insights into any public twitter profile. Data about topics, mentions, hashtags, followers, location and more.
    Find info on the person behind the email address, social username or phone number. Great for verifying account legitimacy.
    Free people search tool.
    Search people by name, phone, address and social media account.
    Type in a domain name, IP address or person’s name to find site information or who owns/registered what online. for Facebook
    Track down a Facebook ID and search for information/posts by that person in FB.

    IntelTechniques Search Tools
    Works similar to Searches Facebook and other social media for peoples’ accounts.

    Trusting News: Data on Trust in Media (2022)
    Slideshow from Joy Mayer with data and studies on how trust has wanted in news media and how it can be fixed.

    Use for fact-checking locations of photos and videos shared on social media.

    Spatial Journalism: Using Geo Tools for Fact-Checking
    Resources and tips from Amy Schmitz Weiss.

    First Draft News Fact-Checking Resources

    5 Tools for Verifying YouTube Video

    Indiana University: Tips and Resources for Fact-Checking and Detecting Fake News

    FirstDraftNews: Understanding the Fake News Ecosystem

    Track where and how fake news is spreading over social channels. Built by Indiana University.

    Public List of Fake News Sites

    Truth or Fiction?
    This site takes “rumor mill” e-mails we all receive and determines if they are true or false. There is a good list of Attack on America information.

    How Can Newsrooms Verify Video from Eyewitnesses?
    Great set of resources from First Draft News.

    Duke Reporter’s Lab Fact-Checking Tools

    Duke Reporters Lab: Fact-Checking Efforts Around the World (map)

    Purportal: Urban Legends Portal
    Great search functions and fact-checking resources. This site can quickly assist you in sorting the myths from the half-truths and the actual facts. The site consists of database search engines to check keywords from e-mails you have received, the latest headlines on hoaxes, special reports on 9-11 misinformation, and links to official and commercial sites on fraud, hoaxes and scams

    The Red Tape Chronicles
    Blogger Bob Sullivan looks at Internet scams and consumer fraud. Very easy to navigate and find what you’re looking for.

    Purportal’s 9/11 Hoaxes
    Bad quotes, media mistakes, scams and more.
    A cool resource for offbeat stats and facts.

    First Draft News
    Guide to navigating eyewitness media, from discovery to verification.

    Verification Junkie
    This tool from Josh Stearns centralizes several social media verification tools in one place. Great for reporting and fact-checking on deadline.

    The Ultimate Guide: How to Spot Phone Scams
    A handy quick-reference, fact-checking site for copy editors. Find out if a celebrity is dead or alive.
    It’s mission is to “investigate, inform and improve the credibility of information published on the World Wide Web.” Accidental Obits
    A listing of mistaken obits on public figures.

    Pantheon: Encyclopedia of Myths

    Who’s Dead and Who’s Alive
    A celebrity you may have thought was dead isn’t. See Abe Vigoda.

    Separate truths from tall tales.

    Argus Clearinghouse: Web Site Evaluations
    This University of Michigan site rates Web sites on a scale of 1-5. Helps evaluate a site?s credibility. Note: The site is no longer actively maintained, but its archives are still useful.

    HotBot: 10 Most Requested List
    Ranks sites based on how often they?re visited.
    Mistakes in movies, books, quotes, TV shows, etc.

    Federal Trade Commission: Job Scams

    MSN: 10 Biggest Internet Hoaxes of All Time
    List from PC World.
    Web site that links to the MySpace pages of the dead.


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