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    Banking/Government Sites


    2020 FDIC Community Banking Report
    Study could be helpful in coverage of small bank failure.

    NY Times: Inside the Collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank

    The Atlantic: How Not to Cover a Bank Run

    Independent Community Bankers Association

    FDIC: FAQ on Deposit Insurance

    FDIC: Electronic Deposit Insurance Simulator

    American Banking Association
    Many helpful resources, including links, press announcements and a great breaking news section.

    American Bankruptcy Institute
    Newsroom, links, publications and experts.

    U.S. Treasury Department
    Federal agency with electronic versions of all its publications.

    FDIC Failed Bank List

    Federal Reserve Board

    The Reynolds Center: Local and National Resources for Covering the Banking Industry

    2020 FDIC Community Banking Report
    Study could be helpful in coverage of small bank failure.

    NY Times: Inside the Collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank

    Independent Community Bankers Association

    Banking Strategist: History of U.S. Bank Failures

    American Deposits: History of Bank Failures

    Financial Literacy Resource Directory

    Internal Revenue Service
    Federal agency with electronic versions of all its publications.

    US Senate: The Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act

    The Atlantic: How Not to Cover a Bank Run

    FDIC: FAQ on Deposit Insurance

    FDIC: Electronic Deposit Insurance Simulator

    World Bank Projects and Operations Page
    Lists funded projects by country. Good bookmark.

    Securities and Exchange Commission
    Federal agency with proxy information and more.

    FDIC Press Announcements

    FDIC Industry Analysis

    Wall Street Journal: What the FDIC Covers

    Federal Reserve


    FDIC Newsroom Page
    All the links business writers covering banking will need.
    Surveys thousands of U.S. institutions about the best loan and credit card rates.

    Just Quotes

    Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
    Site has detailed demographic information on every FDIC-insured bank in the country. Also has info. on bank holdings, deposits, etc.

    The U.S. Mint Recovering from a Natural Disaster
    Report in the wake of North Carolina’s Hurricane Floyd about the difficulties people can expect to face when natural disaster strike.

    Consumer Confidence Index
    Tracks economic growth.
    Stories and indexes tracking the economy. Could be good for sourcing stories as well.

    Bankruptcy Law
    A directory of state, national and international bankruptcy laws.

    International Trade Administration
    Mother Lode for anyone seeking trade numbers. How much is your metro area exporting and where?
    Informational site for consumers. Some basic definitions for journalists.

    National Foundation of Credit Counseling
    A directory of debt counselors in your area.

    American Bankruptcy Institute

    GIJN: How to Use World Bank Data to Track Your Country’s COVID-19 Spending

    Rates on CDs, mortgages and personal loans.

    Patent and Trademark Office
    Is the person you just interviewed really the person who patented or trademarked the product? Look it up!

    PC Magazine’s Undiscovered Websites: Money and Careers
    From November, 2007, a great collection of sites that provide shortcuts to many business sites.</p


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