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    Expert Sources


    Diversity Source-Tracking Handout
    Tips from a NICAR 23 training includes a checklist for establishing source-tracking guidelines.

    U.S. DOT Volpe Center: Aviation Safety Experts

    AAJA Studio – AAPI Sources
    The Asian American Journalist Association’s curated directory that offers newsrooms a platform to connect with trusted AAPI media leaders, established policy experts, academics and community leaders.


    Sources of Color
    Journalists, PR pros and diverse experts all in one place. This site is a partnership with SPJ, PRSA and other organizations. The site is free for journalists but charges PR pros.
    Database of experts features underrepresented voices and perspectives in science, health and environment work.

    NPR Diverse Sources Database
    Find experts from racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in the media. Includes a featured “source of the week.”

    People of Color Also Know Stuff
    This online platform connects journalists with subject matter experts and people of color who have stories to tell. POC uses customized matching to connect journalists with a diverse pool of potential interviewees.

    Editors of Color: Database of Diverse Expert Databases

    CUNY: Diverse Expert Databases
    Library lists research guides helpful for finding diverse sources.

    AAJA Studio – AAPI Sources
    The Asian American Journalist Association’s curated directory that offers newsrooms a platform to connect with trusted AAPI media leaders, established policy experts, academics and community leaders.

    A free online directory of verified expert sources from top trending industries. Use Vetted’s search tool to locate diverse sources by industry, demographic, title, and more, then send direct interview requests without getting pitched. Journalist contact information is never shared with sources.

    WomenPlus: Source List
    Database of expert sources.

    Women Also Know Stuff Experts
    More than 1,600 experts.

    Quote This Woman+
    A curated database of verified women+ experts based or affiliated with South and Southern African for journalists to access and use as their sources. The database consists of experts from all industries and has been used both locally and internationally.

    Women, Nonbinary and People of Color Media Experts Directory
    A Google Sheet listing experts and contact information.

    Find women who are experts.

    Women’s Media Center SheSource
    An online database of media-experienced women experts who we connect to journalists, bookers and producers.

    AcademiaNet: Profiles of Leading Women Scientists

    500 Women Scientists Database

    500 Queer Scientists Database

    Foreign Policy Interrupted
    Women experts on foreign policy issues.

    List of Women Fact Checkers and Experts on Disinformation in India

    GIJN: Databases of Female Experts

    Women Plus: Tech Experts

    Global South Climate Database
    The goal of the project is to ensure that journalists from all over the world can contact scientists from the Global South. It has more than 400 scientists and experts from 80 countries when it launched in October 2022.

    API: Source Matters
    Track and improve the diversity of sources in your news stories.

    Diverse experts in tech policy

    Informed Opinions
    Experts based in Canada

    Multicultural Marketing Resources: Experts Directory

    Twitter List: Black Health Experts on COVID-19

    COVID-19 Diverse Sources by Category
    This NPR database is divided into 13 major categories. Each column is a separate category.

    News Media Alliance: How to Find Diverse Sources

    Journalism Source Diversity Dashboard and Monitor
    A WordPress plug-in for your website that helps reporters visualize source-diversity proportions for quotes in their article drafts as well as published pieces. Includes instructions on how to download and install the plug-in.

    SpotlightPA Diverse Source Database
    A publicly accessible resource of Pennsylvania-based experts of color. The site’s goal is to make the state’s news coverage more accurate, equitable and representative of the communities it serves. The experts can serve as sources outside the state as well.

    Poynter: 5 Questions Reporters and Editors Should Ask to Diversify Their Sources

    Diversity Source-Tracking Handout
    Tips from a NICAR 23 training includes a checklist for establishing source-tracking guidelines.

    For more training videos, visit our YouTube page.


    Note: Be sure to vet any sources you find in these databases. We’ve listed some tools from ProPublica below to find any conflicts of interests.

    Global Investigative Journalism Network: Finding Expert Sources

    Expertise Finder
    Look up experts in various fields with this network.

    Coursera Expert Network
    Connects journalists with experts from top universities.

    A journalist looking for credible sources can access this searchable directory of experts in knowledge-based organizations in a curated network of experts on over 30,000 unique topics.

    Help Ukraine Tell the Truth
    Journalists can fill out this Google Form and Ukrainian communications professionals connect them to experts, eyewitnesses, accurate multimedia, etc. from Ukraine. Service is free.

    An editorially independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit service for journalists and scientists. Its goal is to help get more science into news stories. It connects reporters quickly to scientific experts and validated evidence. It work with scientists to amplify their expertise and help them give voice to the facts. It’s fully funded by philanthropies, and everything it does is free.

    Find jobs, story ideas, experts, etc.

    Google Scholar
    Find experts and scholarly research papers.

    ProPublica: Dollars for Docs
    Pharmaceutical and medical device companies are required by law to release details of their payments to a variety of doctors and U.S. teaching hospitals for promotional talks, research and consulting, among other categories. Use this tool to search for general payments (excluding research and ownership interests) made from August 2013 to December 2018.

    ProPublica: Dollars for Profs
    Database allows you to search records from multiple state universities and the National Institutes of Health for outside income and conflicts of interest of professors, researchers and staff.

    Launched in 2012 to help journalists and others find experts in various fields.

    LexisNexis for freelancers. Access contact info and clip searches. Fee is $240 per year.

    This searchable platform lets vetted media producers find the right expert for any story. The site claims all experts have been thoroughly vetted based on credentials, expertise and professional affiliations.

    Style Guide to Writing About Transgender People

    50 Experts to Trust in a Pandemic

    Expert-Finding Tools for Journalists

    Five Services That Match Reporters with Expert Sources
    From the Reynolds National Business Journalism Center.

    U.S. DOT Volpe Center: Aviation Safety Experts

    Expert Click
    An online director of expert sources. Some free resources for journalists, some content requires registration/pay. Part of the Yearbook of Experts print directory.

    The Progress Network: Experts Database
    A collection scientists, CEOs, scholars, writers, and innovators of all stripes pointing the world in a more positive direction. Get to know them and their work by exploring their bio pages.

    BusinessWire’s ExpertSource
    Helps media secure authoritative analysis, insights and commentary from leading academic and industry experts.

    Election SOS Expert Network

    Community Water Center
    Shows what’s in the water and highlights potential drought impacts to the water supply. Works with dozens of environmental groups to end CA’s drinking water crisis. Provides timely data on the enforcement status of community water systems, schools and daycares. The Community Water Center “acts as a catalyst for community-driven water solutions through organizing, education, and advocacy in California.”

    For more training videos, visit our YouTube page.
    Similar to in finding “expert” sources for media stories. Some journalists say this service is faster.

    University of South Carolina: Experts on War and Terrorism
    A collection of faculty members with expertise in military, bioterrorism, etc.
    A good experts database.

    Searchable experts/groups list.

    A collection of resources from Ryerson professor Dean Tudor.
    A deep experts database, covering several academic fields.

    International Journalists’ Network: How to Use Twitter’s #JournoRequest to Find Sources for Your Stories

    A free platform that helps the media connect and collaborate with subject matter experts (and the PR people who represent them) when they’re working on a story. Within a private network, you can pose a question, review multiple pitches, and mute conversations when you have what you need. Qwoted automatically creates a portfolio of your work, and you can learn who your audience is, see the reach of your pieces, and measure your impact all within your Qwoted profile.

    Guestfinder Experts Database

    Federal Judicial Center: Judge Bios
    Search federal court judge bios, past and present.

    NPR Source of the Week

    Free registration with easy to use on-line forms for journalists. Experts can also register to be included free, but must have a link to a website that profiles their expertise so journalists can determine if they are the appropriate sources of information and opinion. Covers more than 10,000 topics.

    Public Health COVID-19 Expert Database
    Request information from public health experts with backgrounds in epidemiology, infectious disease, nutrition, vaccine supply chains, health systems and behavior change. Our team fields questions from journalists and fact-checkers, and publish our content in the languages that our partners need access to. We provide context, summaries, and responses to key COVID-19 topics and questions quickly.

    COVID Exit Strategy: Tracking Our COVID-19 Response
    A group of public health and crisis experts, some with experience working at the White House, Department of Health and Human Services, and on the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. It’s a non-partisan group, having worked across multiple administrations. They built the site to track each state’s progress toward stopping the spread of COVID-19.

    Federal Agency Employee Locators
    Mistakes in movies, books, etc.

    State Recycling Association Contacts

    National Speakers Association
    A free searchable database by location, keyword, topics, etc. NSA is a non-profit professional association with nearly 4,000 professional speakers. These speakers are well-spoken experts in wide variety of areas – perfect for thought-provoking interviews.

    CPA Directory
    Searchable directory of accountants and firms. Agent Database
    A great shortcut for sourcing, enter celebrity names into the database and get the managers or agents who represents them.
    Puts journalists in touch with science fiction experts including authors, artists and fans.

    Openweb Analysts
    This company helps journalists and news people with the concepts behind Open Source software, such as Linux, Apache web server and OpenOffice.

    Patent Attorneys and Agents Registered to Practice before the PTO
    Contact information for more than 25,000 attorneys.

    Journalist’s Resource: Diversify Your Sources With This Guide to Nursing Specialty Groups

    Video how-to site.

    Video instructions and tutorials.

    Instructional Web site.

    Spotlight PA: Diverse Source Database
    Pennsylvania focus but sources can help for national pieces too.

    PodMatch is a free podcast booking service that automatically matches ideal podcast guests and hosts together to record high-quality podcast interviews.
    iDreveal turns information into intelligence. We are a team of social media and identity investigation experts. Its experts solve the most complex OSINT investigations including, espionage, locating witnesses and pedophiles, high-profile celebrity and murder investigations, scams and more.


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