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  • Satellite Imagery

    Satellite Imagery

    NASA Worldview
    Satellite imagery galore.

    NASA LandSat Image Gallery
    Hundreds of satellite images of Earth that are rights-free.

    Digital Globe
    Satellite and geospatial data resources. Requires a fee.

    GIJN: Resources for Finding and Using Satellite Images
    Links to dozens of tools but also some incredible examples of how to use imagery in your reporting.

    A map that contains thousands of free, high-res satellite images of the Earth.

    Data and ImageryViewers

    GIJN: Resources for Finding and Using Satellite Images

    Chips App: Create Satellite Chips
    An interactive web app for creating Landsat/other imagery chips for any location around the globe. The app was built using streamlit, geemap, and Google Earth Engine. Developed by Ishaan Jhaveri and Yoni Nachmany of The New York Times, the toolt scrapes coordinates from a data file to grab available satellite pictures of your sites of interest. Just upload a KML or GeoJSON file.

    Pull Earth Imagery with Bash

    NASA Active Wildfire Data Downloads
    Shapefiles, datasets and more.

    Google Earth Pro
    Download this free software and find historical satellite imagery and build zoom-in and flyover videos. Google Moon and Google Mars are also available.

    Google Earth Engine Satellite Data Catalog

    Google Earth Timelapse
    Track changes over 32 years to environment, city, region.

    Google Moon
    Use the image map to track past Apollo missions and zoom in on various areas.

    Google Earth
    Free site that allows you to zoom in on your address/zip code from a satellite image.

    The European Space Agency: Sentinel Imagery
    Largest open-source satellite imagery resource in the world.

    Provides very sharp satellite imagery but no dates with them.

    NASA Earth Data
    Visually explore the past and present of our dynamic planet through NASA’s Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS).

    Data and ImageryViewers

    Pull Earth Imagery with Bash

    SkyTruth Flaring Map
    SkyTruth produces two flaring maps, both of which are based on Nightfire data captured by the VIIRS instrument aboard NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite. This data is made available free from the Earth Observation Group, Payne Institute for Public Policy, Colorado School of Mines.

    Planet Explorer
    Explore daily high-resolution satellite imagery directly in your browser. With search, metafilters, and a timeline axis, Planet Explorer is the easiest tool to view daily imagery, prime your analysis, and see the planet change over time.

    Sentinel Hub
    Cloud API for satellite imagery.

    Astronomy buffs site with images of the planets, stars and Earth’s sky.

    NASA USGS Earth Explorer
    Deep archive of earth images back to the 1960s. Includes aerial and drone data and commercial satellite images.

    GIJN: Video Resources for Mapping, Satellites, Storytelling, Testing, Tracking, and Disinformation

    World Imagery Wayback Tool
    Searchable map of archived historical satellite images.

    Sentinel Hub
    Paid site with Earth observation data.

    Digital Earth Africa
    Free satellite images on Africa.

    GIS Geography: 15 Free Satellite Imagery Data Sources

    How to Find the Most Recent Satellite Imagery Anywhere on Earth
    Use the flowchart as a guide to finding what you need.

    Online Journalism Blog: Expert Tips for Using Satellite Images

    Viasat Space Imaging
    Commercial company that uses satellites to take high-resolution images of disaster damage. Visit the websites or call the PR staff to get on a mailing list for the latest disaster damage photos. They’re free.

    Maxar DigitalGlobe
    Commercial company that uses satellites to take high-resolution images of disaster damage. Visit the websites or call the PR staff to get on a mailing list for the latest disaster damage photos. They’re free.

    ABC News: How to Get Started With Satellite Imagery in Journalism

    Works similar to Google Street View.

    Open Street Cam
    A collection of street cameras around the US.


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