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    Military Links


    U.S. Veteran Religious Affiliation by State

    National Security Archive: Historical Military Records

    Government Attic: Department of Defense Documents
    A grassroots watchdog network connecting the dots between the world’s most powerful people and organizations.Its free database is a who-knows-who at the heights of business and government.

    Great War Primary Documents Archive
    The original global history of the Great War, its antecedents and consequences. Contains primary documents, images and scholarly analyses. Online since 1995. Portions of the site have been spun off elsewhere, including BYU: World War One Document Archives.

    GIJN: Investigating Toxic Military Bases and Their Links to Cancer


    GIJN: 15 Tips for Investigating War Crimes

    GIJN: How to Use Data Journalism to Cover War and Conflict

    Links to multimedia on military strikes. Be sure to confirm what you find here.

    Russia-Ukraine Monitor Map
    Compiled by a group of organizations, this map pinpoints areas of conflict in Ukraine.

    Bellingcat: Russian Military Vehicles Tracker

    Russian Military Aircraft Tracker


    U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

    This site uses Google Earth to enable the user to pinpoint where, when and how each service member died since the beginning of the war in Afghanistan. A line connects the service member’s approximate location of death to his or her hometown. You can download the map off of this blog.
    Latest headlines from U.S. military.

    U.S. Army

    Army Technology

    GIJN: How to Use Data Journalism to Cover War and Conflict

    National Archive: Civil War Records

    U.S. Marine Corps

    Air Force

    Military Reporters and Editors Association

    Air Forces in Europe

    U.S. Navy

    10 Rules for Reporting on War Trauma Survivors
    Tips from Harvard’s Journalist’s Resource.

    Air National Guard Defense Information
    The site charges a fee, but you can still get a decent amount of stories for free, and sign up for a free e-mail.

    Paralyzed Veterans of America
    Research, education, veteran’s benefits, issues and expert sources.

    Committee to Project Journalists: Journalist Security Guide
    .PDF guide book to covering news in a dangerous, changing world.

    15 Tips for Investigating War Crimes

    Excess Military Defense Articles Database
    Track the sale of excess military equipment.

    National Security Archive: Historical Military Records

    Government Attic: Department of Defense Documents
    A grassroots watchdog network connecting the dots between the world’s most powerful people and organizations.Its free database is a who-knows-who at the heights of business and government.

    National Military Family Association
    Stats, resources, contacts.

    Center for Law and Military Operations

    Online Therapy Platforms for Veterans

    Library of Congress: Military Legal Resources
    Links to dozens of websites, handbooks, etc.

    Veteran’s Day
    History of the holiday and teaching resource guide.

    BYU: World War I Document Archives
    From the Brigham Young Library.

    Eyewitness to History
    War history and anecdotes through the eyes of those who lived it.

    Veterans Administration: Memorial Day

    Network for Good: U.S. Troops Support
    A great collection of links to troop support and resource sites.

    RAND Corporation National Security Research
    Federally funded documents center has a variety of links, reports and resources on military and national security issues.

    RAND Corporation Public Safety Research
    Federally funded documents center has a variety of links, reports and resources on public safety issues.

    National Coalition of Homeless Veterans
    Shots from Iraq, etc.

    U.S. Army: Digital Video & Imagery Distribution System
    Search through past stories.

    Center for Security Policy

    Site from the U.S. Department of Defense. Releases, photos, transcripts, speeches, e-mail advisories and more.

    Study: Opioid Crisis in Military Created by Combat Exposure

    National Terrorism Alert Page

    PBS NOVA: Combat Hospital
    Story of a war zone hospital.

    Inside Defense
    Defense industry news.

    Military Tribunals

    Military Connection

    Live Universal Awareness Map is subscription-based and lets you see the evolution of military front lines over the years.

    GlobalSecurity: Track Troops in Middle East

    American Red Cross Armed Forces Emergency Services

    Army Emergency Relief

    Navy/Marine Relief Society

    Air Force Aid Society

    The War in Context
    News and commentary from the global press and alternative media relating to the war on terrorism and the Middle East conflict.

    Military Bomb Disposal Techniques

    Veterans Administration: National Center for PTSD
    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder information and research.

    Defenselink: Department of Defense Almanac
    A breakdown of the departments, employment stats, budgets and more.

    CNN Fact Sheet: U.S. Attacks Terrorism
    FAQ, bios of key players and background on the retaliatory attacks.

    MSNBC Interactive War Map
    A great explanatory site that includes history, interpretations, etc. of the Islamic faith.

    U.S. Use of Pre-emptive Military Force
    A .PDF file.

    Terrorist Attacks: Regional Maps of Afghanistan
    Several maps of Afghanistan, Kabul and several other places in the country and region. From the University of Texas at Austin.

    Military History Encyclopedia
    Reference for wars, individuals, weapons, concepts behind the wars, etc.

    List of POW/MIAS
    The Library of Congress has a list of prisoners of war and MIAs.

    National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia
    The site includes a state-by-state listing of the missing.

    Military Rank Insignias
    This site “outs” people falsely claiming to be a part of the elite Navy unit.

    Military Law and Justice

    Military Press

    Center for Defense Information

    Inside Defense

    Interagency Civil-Military

    Army Times

    U.S. Army Association

    Department of Veterans Affairs

    U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans burial sites
    This site offers information about funerals, ceremonies and sites. World War II Archives
    Footnote and the National Archives assemble a collection of photos, news articles, case files about war crimes, accounts of air battles and much more.

    GIJN: Investigating Toxic Military Bases and Their Links to Cancer

    Great War Primary Documents Archive
    The original global history of the Great War, its antecedents and consequences. Contains primary documents, images and scholarly analyses. Online since 1995. Portions of the site have been spun off elsewhere, including BYU: World War One Document Archives.

    Library of Congress: Experiencing War: Veterans’ History Project

    Wartime Contracting Commission

    Veterans National Archives

    Veteran’s Day Home Page
    The page includes a patriotic fact sheet, a listing of scheduled events in Washington DC, and links to other regional sites.

    American Legion

    Vietnam War History

    Vietnam Women’s Memorial Project

    The Virtual Wall
    An interactive tour of the Vietnam Memorial.

    Veterans History Project
    A great collection of military facts, stats and figures.

    Online Vietnam Memorial
    Features a database of more than 58,000 names.

    D-Day Memorial

    Desert Storm

    20th Century Castles: Missile Bases

    War Times Journal

    Washington Post’s Dot Mil Column
    Written by William Arkin, a former military intelligence analyst.

    Washington Post: Fog of War
    How to check to make sure someone claiming to be a Navy Seal really is one. Military Records
    Organized by war or by timeline, the site offers thousands of records, old newsreels, etc.

    U.S. Veteran Religious Affiliation by State

    Homeland Security Digital Library
    Search engine allows you to scan more than 30 homeland security blogs.

    G.I. Bill

    British National Risk Register
    Cabinet office assess threats to Great Britain, including flu, flooding, terrorist attacks, etc.

    Air&Space Magazine
    Smithsonian online magazine includes History of Flight, Flight Today, Military Aviaton and Space Exploration.


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