Politics for positive change

We inspire and empower new and diverse voices to engage with and enter British politics.

Group of young people sitting at tables listening as part of Minority Ethnic Emerging Leaders development weekend

Explaining why politics matters

We want to shift the narrative from disengagement with and disillusionment in politics to a bright, positive vision of how change comes through politics.

Whatever you are passionate about, it is likely politics is a powerful and fast way to effect change you want:

  • in local communities, working with councillors committed to your objective
  • with MPs and MSPs to campaign for common causes
  • with Parliaments and governments on major issues such as climate change

We believe everyone benefits and society is strengthened when more people from across a broader representation of backgrounds believe in and participate in British politics. 

Our Work

The Centre works to break down barriers to politics through:

  • Advocacy for why politics matters to us all and how to use politics for positive change
  • Research into what the public thinks about our politics to help us create prescriptions for better engagement with politics
  • Paid internship and development programmes to support diverse young voices to be inspired by politics and use politics as a force for good

Get Involved

There are many ways you can get involved with our work including joining us for events, taking part in our programmes and supporting our projects.