Meet Plumsted Mayor Cuozzo At The Library

Committeeman Dominick Cuozzo (left) (Photo by Bob Vosseller)

PLUMSTED TOWNSHIP – The Ocean County Library Plumsted Branch is pleased to host “Meet the Mayor” with Plumsted Mayor Dominick Cuozzo, 10:15 AM until 12:30 PM Saturday, May 18.

This informal session enables township residents to ask questions and discuss issues with the Mayor in a relaxed setting.

“Meet the Mayor” is free and open to the public. To register and reserve a time, contact Mayor Cuozzo directly at (865) 604-3618.

For more information, stop by the OCL Plumsted Branch, 119 Evergreen Road, New Egypt, call (609) 758-7888, or visit the Library’s online Calendar of Events.

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