Police identify man, woman wanted after videotaped sex act at Duval County Courthouse goes viral

1 turns himself in

Joe Daraskevich
Jeremiah Robinson, left, and Brittney Jones are pictured. (Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office)

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office has identified two suspects after an incident in the Duval County Courthouse last week involving a sex act recorded on video.

Jeremiah Isiah Robinson, 35, and Brittney Lachell Jones, 26, both have warrants for unnatural and lascivious acts, according to the Sheriff’s Office. Robinson turned himself in late Monday, according to the Sheriff’s Office. Police said the incident happened at the courthouse Jan. 31.

Both suspects were aware they were wanted and were not cooperating with the investigation, police said.

Authorities started investigating after a video surfaced on social media showing a man receiving oral sex from a woman in front of what appears to be a courtroom.

Jones was in the courthouse for an arraignment on a Jan. 19 arrest for drug paraphernalia, according to court records. She pleaded no contest and was sentenced to time served.

Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Melissa Bujeda said last week that neither person involved works for the Sheriff’s Office.

Trial Court Administrator Joseph Stelma Jr. said last week he did not believe the man was a courthouse or Clerk of Courts employee.

The incident also was captured on a courthouse security camera

Anyone with information about the whereabouts of either suspect is asked to contact the Sheriff’s Office at (904) 630-0500 or email

To remain anonymous and receive a possible reward up to $3,000 contact Crime Stoppers at (866) 845-8477.

Joe Daraskevich: (904) 359-4308