Support for Impacted People

Support for People Impacted by Indian Day Schools and Indian Day Scholars

The period to file an Indian Day School claim commenced January 13, 2020, and closed on July 13, 2022. A six-month extension was provided, which ended on January 13, 2023. The claims administrator is no longer accepting claims forms.

  • If you have received a request regarding missing information, please submit missing information to the claims administrator as soon as possible.

  • If you are in the Reconsideration and Appeals process, Class Counsel is still providing support. To challenge a lower-level assessment decision, you must submit a “Reconsideration” decision form to the claims administrator.

    • You have 120 days from the date you received the claims administrator’s notice regarding the level assessment to request reconsideration of their decision.

We have a team who can help with these applications and letters of reconsideration.

First Nations Drinking Water Settlement

March 2024 Update: IDS Coordinators have reached capacity and are no longer accepting new clients seeking assistance with the First Nations Drinking Water Settlement. 

For more information, please visit: