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East and Southern Africa Crop Tour provides farmers opportunity to evaluate new rice varieties and technologies
Vietnam's pilot low-emission rice farming shows promise: Increased yields, profits, and sustainability
Rice Crop Manager: Delivering results for Indonesian farmers
Climate-smart mapping can help Tanzanian rice farmers in flood-prone areas mitigate crop losses
Empowerment by design: Gender-intentional rice breeding through Target Product Profiling
Ups and downs in the world rice market
Heat-Tolerant Rice Varieties Promises Increased Yields in Bangladesh


What we do

We are addressing five impact challenges faced by farmers, consumers, and stakeholders, in the world’s rice-producing countries.

Where we work

We work with key actors from these regions through our in-country offices to develop actionable research analyses and recommendations on country-specific agricultural initiatives.

Beyond these areas, we also work with other country partners through our global research programs and networks. 

Learn more about IRRI's regional initiatives here and explore how we can collaborate. 

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