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Jill Halfpenny 'channelled personal grief' into The Drowning role after partner's death

Jill Halfpenny has opened up about how some of her own feelings of grief came up in her latest role in The Drowning. The actress' partner tragically died in 2017 after suffering a heart attack

Jill Halfpenny 'channelled personal grief' into The Drowning role after partner's death

Jill Halfpenny has opened up about how the impact of losing her partner in 2017 may have prepared her for her latest role in The Drowning.

In the upcoming show, the 45-year-old actress is assuming the role of a bereaved mum called Jodie whose young son is believed to have drowned.

The harrowing Channel 5 drama follows the heartbreaking story of a couple rocked by loss as details about what they believe happened continue unravel.

Jill is also not unknown to loss, after her partner Matt Janes tragically suffered a heart attack at the gym and died at the age of 43 in 2017.

Speaking ahead of the latest series, the actress has opened up about channelling her feelings of loss into her role.

Jill Halfpenny is assuming the role of bereaved mother Jodie

"I haven’t experienced the same loss, but loss is loss and I believe people can grieve just as heavily over the loss of a relationship as of a person," Jill told Love Sunday magazine.

"And as I bring up feelings for the role, I think inevitably some of my own are going to come up as well.

She added: "But some aren’t useful for the character and I have to figure out which are mine and which are Jodie’s."