BBC Breakfast host Jon Kay was left mortified after making an awkward blunder over a guest's appearance.

The presenter, 53, had to apologise to the guest on Tuesday's edition of the morning news programme. Jon was presenting alongside co-star Sally Nugent when they invited 13-year-old Jude Shearsby onto the sofa. The teenager is one of the top junior chess players in England and was there to share his achievements alongside coach Paul Lam. Paul explained how the game is beneficial for children in learning skills they can use throughout their school life.

While they were talking, images of a younger Jude playing chess appeared on the screen. The chess champ has been playing since the age of four. However, Jon didn't recognise the youngster who was sitting right in front of him. He remarked at the pictures: "She’s concentrating there look.”

Jon Kay
Jon was left red-faced by his blunder

Jude and Paul both laughed awkwardly and a long paused followed until Jon realised his mistake. He added: “Oh is that you?! I’m so sorry. I thought it was someone with longer hair.” Jon was left red-faced but Jude didn't seem to mind the blunder as Sally chimed in: “It must be brilliant to have a mentor and someone to guide you through.” Jude replied: “I can’t thank Paul enough for what he’s done for me, it’s quite ridiculous. In lockdown, he gave me three hours on Zoom, just chatting. It’s incredible.”

It's not the first time Jon has been left blushing on the show. Last month Sally was forced to apologise to her co-host Jon after inadvertently implying he could be "overweight" when she glanced over during a discussion on the topic. As the presenters discussed the newspaper headlines of the day, Sally picked out a health story that claimed men who consume more eggs are happier, according to a recent study. She explained: "Apparently, eating eggs, particularly for men can make you less angry," to which Jon jokingly shouted: "What!"

Sally remarked: "Jon is never angry never ever, ever," before reading aloud findings from the study: "They studied 168 men, from 35 to 55 who had been given regression counselling by work, to diets that were compared to those of colleagues who had not been referred. The more aggressive men were found to be fatter and heavier." Jon noticed Sally looked in his direction and took offence: "Sorry, but you looked at me then!"

"I didn't know where to look that's all!" Sally replied as she burst out laughing. "If you have more protein in your eggs, you're said to be happier." "Alright, we'll leave it there," Jon conceded.