A social media influencer who labelled herself 'Devil Baby' stalked and harassed three Premier League footballers, a court has heard.

Orla Sloan, 21, is alleged to have sent dozens of texts, WhatsApp messages and Instagram posts to Chelsea midfielder Mason Mount, his team-mate Ben Chilwell and ex-team-mate Billy Glimour, as well as calling them on a number of occasions. Gilmour left the Blues to join Brighton last summer.

It's claimed Mount, 24, briefly dated Sloan, who is alleged to have used several different phone numbers and social media accounts to pursue the players. She is even said to have falsely claimed being pregnant with Gilmour's child, despite them not having sex.

Sloan appeared in the dock at Westminster Magistrates' Court to plead guilty to stalking Gilmour - causing "serious alarm or distress" - to stalking Mount, and to harassing Chilwell. All charges relate to a period between June and October last year.

Sloan has been released on bail ahead of her sentencing hearing on June 20. She is facing a prison sentence, with the most serious offence against Gilmour crossing the custody threshold.

The court heard that Mount and Sloan slept with each other after meeting at a house party at Chilwell's address in November 2020, around the time of the second Covid lockdown.

Prosecutor Jason Seetal said they stayed in contact for around six months before Mount "decided that the relationship was not going to progress".

Seetal added: "Upon informing Miss Sloan of this he has been subjected to a bombardment of messages. He began asking her to stop messaging him before blocking the number. He then began to receive messages from new numbers and each time he would block those numbers there would be messages from a different number."

It's claimed Sloan used 21 different phone numbers to contact Mount, with some messages containing collages of him with other women. The court heart that in one messages from an Instagram account called 'Devil Baby', Sloan told Mount: "I can morph at any time so let me apologise and set things right."

Another message showed an Apple account buying a new number for £12.99 with the words: "I'm not buying food anymore so I can get more numbers. I will be faster than you."

Mount was "concerned she had an obsession or fixation with him and he didn't know what she was capable of". His statement added: "Miss Sloane knows roughly where I live and where I train. I'm worried as if she is unable to contact me she might turn up at my training centre."

The court heard that messages were aimed at other footballers, including Chilwell, as well as family members and friends of the victims. Chilwell, 26, has described Sloan's behaviour as "erratic", while Gilmour, 21, admitted the messages had a "huge impact" on his life.

Gilmour said: "I have not been able to sleep and have had to take sleeping tablets. It's had a negative effect on my performance and professional life. Being in a new town [Brighton] where I don't have my friends or family, it's really upsetting."

The court heard that Gilmour initially exchanged messages with Sloan before telling her he wanted to stop their communication and insisting they didn't have a relationship. She then claimed to have fallen pregnant in allegations described as "completely fictitious".

Gilmour added: "I don't know who I can trust anymore. Some of the information would only have been known by people close to me."