Fair City star Una Crawford O’Brien has said she will never quit the RTE One soap – admitting it keeps her sane.

The actress, who plays Renee Phelan on Fair City, stars alongside her long-term partner Bryan Murray, who plays Bob Charles in the soap.

Una admitted that while it can sometimes be “difficult” caring for Bryan, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2022, she said working as an actress keeps her sane.

READ MORE: Una Crawford O'Brien shares sad health update about Bryan Murray - but confirms he will return to Fair City

She told The Irish Mirror: “Oh not at all. It’s my sanity. It is what keeps me going and I love it and I have always loved it.”

She said when she broke her foot at the beginning of this year, it became difficult caring for Bryan, who didn't understand she was injured.

“It can be very difficult. Like at the beginning of the year, I suppose I did take a nosedive. The fact that I had broken my foot, and I couldn’t get around, I had to sit with it elevated for nearly three months.

“It didn’t register with Bryan that there was anything wrong with me, even though he saw me in plaster or in a boot or whatever.…

“I just felt at the beginning of the year, what was the future holding for us that it was going to be difficult because last year we had the play to look forward to but this year, his memory is worse than it was.

“But I’ve bounced back, and it is all fine again, but we just take it one day at a time.”

Una also revealed how she helps jog Bryan’s memory – by taking out a book full of pictures that helps him remember special moments.

But she admitted that when he won the Lifetime Achievement award last year at the IFTAs, he had forgotten all about it the next day.

“Last year he won the Lifetime Achievement award, which he forgot the next day, but I printed off all the photos and when he sees that, he’s very excited.

“Himself and Dee Kinahan won the Pratchett Prize in Trinity so he got that award and again he doesn’t remember it so I show him the photographs.

“And when he sees those photographs, he remembers and he is delighted,” she added while speaking at the launch of Alzheimer’s Tea Day, which takes place on May 2.

But she added she misses how much he made her laugh when they first got together.

“Ah yeah. I mean when we got together first, he just made me laugh so much. He was funny and that’s gone… he’s not the person he was. Even though inside he still is. So those sort of things have been lost,” she added.