Democracy and IRI

Every person wants the ability to control his or her own destiny.  No one desires a society in which their political rights are restricted, and people have a limited say in the direction of their country.  They want to be citizens, not subjects.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where many governments abuse their power and assert total control.  Others are in the middle of a democratic transition and seek the establishment of a representative government.

At IRI, we understand that advancing democracy worldwide is about empowering individuals on a personal level.  Once people can raise their voices without fear, and participate in a free and fair political process, they will finally have the tools they need to build a democratic destiny in the country they call home

In a true democracy, no one is too small to make a difference.

25 Elections to Watch in 2024

2024 will be a landmark year for elections worldwide. A total of 99 countries are scheduled to hold electoral contests – including eight of the world’s most populous countries, comprising more than half the global population.

Democracy from a Local PerspectiveLocal Spotlight

IRI understands the importance of putting local communities at the heart of our work. Our ‘Local Spotlight’ stories share the impact of our work with communities and local partners. 

The Latest From IRI

IRI Around the worldWhere We Work

From Ethiopia to Ukraine to Guatemala, in dozens of countries around the world, IRI works to support democracy, political inclusion, multi-party political systems and a free exchange of ideas. 

Technical areasWhat We Do

Our experts in Washington, DC and in the field, work with a variety of local partners, civil society leaders, journalists, policymakers, and more, to provide the expertise and skills that can pave the road to a democratic future. Below are 12 key technical areas that IRI focuses on in support of laying a strong foundation for good governance and an open political system acquires its power from the people it serves.

donateSupport IRI

The fight for political freedom will not be won alone. You can be part of our mission to strengthen democracy worldwide.
