Irish is third largest population group in US, census reveals

It’s no secret that many people living in the States boast Irish heritage. Now, census results have shown that we’re actually the third largest population group in the US.

Census results have revealed that Irish is the third largest population group in the US.

Census results have revealed that Irish is the third largest population group in the US. They revealed almost 39 million people in the States identify as Irish.

The most recent US census was conducted in April 2020. Unsurprisingly, the results have shown that a whopping 38,597,428 people said they were ‘Irish alone’ or ‘in any combination’.

The Irish influence on the States – a history of emigration

Almost 10% of the US population claim some form of Irish heritage.
Credit: Canva

It’s not unusual to speak to a US citizen and quickly discover that their great-great-grandmother’s cousin emigrated from Ireland back in the day. 

We’ve all met so many people from the States claiming Irish heritage. So, it really comes as no surprise that Irish is the third largest population group in the US, according to the most recent census.

English claimed the top spot with around 46.5 million and German came second with around 44.9 million. Then, the Irish ranked third and were revealed to make up over ten per cent of the overall US population.

Closing out the top five, Italian ranked fourth with 16.8 million and Polish in fifth with 8.5 million.

Claiming Irish heritage – the Irish-American connection

Census results have revealed that Irish is the third largest population group in the US.
Credit: United States Census Bureau

When combined, English, German, and Irish ‘alone’ or ‘in any combination’ populations made up over half of the White alone or in combination population in 2020, according to the 2020 Census results.

When broken down into individual states, California was revealed to have the biggest Irish population.

An eye-watering 3.3 million people from the Golden State revealed they identified as ‘Irish alone or in any combination’ in the ‘White alone or any other combination’ category.

New York followed with 2.5 million, followed by Pennsylvania with 2.2 million. Texas boasted the fourth largest Irish population by state with 2.1 million and Florida ranked fifth with 2.1 million.

To learn more, visit the United States Census Bureau website here.

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