Whoa, did he just confirm what everybody thought? Now that pregnant Khloé Kardashian is getting closer to her late March/early April due date, fans are trying to figure out if her baby daddy Tristan Thompson will be involved in their baby girl‘s life — especially since he allegedly left his ex-girlfriend Jordan Craig while she was pregnant to date Khloé! Now it seems like there might be some truth to that claim after Tristan’s own dad slammed him on social media and hinted that his son is a deadbeat father.

According to Media Take Out, Tristan’s father Trevor Thompson vented about Tristan in the comments section of one of Jordan’s posts from when she was pregnant with Tristan’s son Prince — who is now one year old — and the angry papa did not hold back.

“Tristan act [sic] like he does not have a father…what goes around comes right back around…watch and see. He’s a want [sic] to be a man…LOL Tristan only listen to his self [sic] and mother. What a joke they don’t know any better…LOL sad sad shame on them. Time will tell watch and see,” Trevor allegedly wrote. “There’s nothing like having a father in your life for guidance…I give thanks each and every day for my DAD who knows what time a [sic] day it is��Tristan dose [sic] not respect his last name because he is $85 million stupid. Khloé has a boy and a baby too [sic] raise…LOL.”

It’s unclear how long Jordan and Tristan dated, but she was about five months pregnant with their son when he started dating Khloé in August 2016 — but this is where things get sketchy. Jordan is the cousin of actor Kevin Hart’s wife Eniko Parrish and according to mulitple reports, Tristan was allegedly Jordan’s date to Kevin and Eniko’s wedding, which took place on August 18, 2016. So that would mean that Tristan and Jordan split just days or weeks before he started dating Khloé.

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