Ever since we first found out that Jinger Duggar Vuolo started wearing pants, we knew she was going to be the “wild” child of the Duggar family. After all, wearing long skirts and dresses is just one of the many (many, many) extremely strict rules that must be followed when your parents are Jim Bob and Michelle. And while she does play by some rules — for instance, she didn’t even make an Instagram account until months after her wedding, even though she was allowed to make one as soon as she got engaged — now that she’s out of the house and on her own (well, kind of), she’s living by her own playbook. Yep, Jinger Duggar is free of her parents’ house and watchful eye and she’s ready to be her own person. And she’s showing it off in a couple different ways.

Jinger Duggar’s wearing pants and shorts.

Yep, not just pants — shorts, too. As far as shorts go, they’re pretty long. She’s not rocking Daisy Dukes or anything like that, just some sensible Bermuda shorts. But considering the fact that this time last year, she wasn’t even allowed to wear long slacks, it’s kind of a huge rebellion. And that’s not the only modesty rule she’s thrown to the wind.

She’s showing off her shoulders.

Pants, then shorts, then naked shoulders. It doesn’t get much more scandalous than that when you’re a Duggar. We’re pretty sure Jinger and the rest of the girls weren’t even allowed to wear sleeveless clothes to swim in growing up. So wearing a shoulder-baring dress while meeting with a minister is something else entirely. What’s next? Spaghetti straps? Gasp — a halter top? Let’s not get too crazy or we’ll have Jim Bob’s head spinning on his shoulders.

She and Jeremy didn’t follow her parents’ courtship rules.

Sure she may have behaved (mostly, at least) while still living at home. But even before tying the knot with her husband Jeremy Vuolo, Jinger was testing her limits. Not only was the couple caught giving a full-frontal hug (scandalous), but the Duggar daughter also told a producer, “Jeremy and I have our own set of rules for the courtship, and our own standards that we desire.” Remember when Jim Bob had to warn his daughter to slow things down while she was still just engaged to her now-husband? We think he may have known something we didn’t.

Jinger Duggar isn’t pregnant.

Well, that we know of. But even if she somehow is, she managed to wait a lot longer than most of her sisters did after their own weddings. In fact, Jing and Jer have been married for almost a year now, and there’s still no baby bump in sight. Since the Duggars don’t believe in birth control — and they also don’t typically kiss before marriage — it seems like most of the kids pretty much hop into the sack after tying the knot and pop out babies pretty quick. And while these two joked about their sex life and aphrodisiacs on Counting On, kids seem far in their future. In fact, some fans even speculate that Jinger might be on birth control explicitly against her families’ wishes. Either way, this couple is taking the time to just be married and have fun as two adults in love instead of settling down too soon.

She moved away.

And this is the real kicker. After marrying, Jeremy brought his new bride back to Texas with him instead of settling somewhere closer to her family. Yep, Jinger didn’t just leave her dad’s house behind when she left, she also left her family’s way of life. Like when she and Jeremy started courting, they’re now setting up their own ideas for what they think is OK, what’s allowed, and what’s appropriate. Basically, Jinger Duggar isn’t living by anybody’s rules but her own these days. And that’s pretty cool. Jinger is free, guys. Now if only we could save Anna.

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