Diversify your supplier base

Empower minority businesses. Boost your bottom line.

Are you seeking to diversify your organization’s supplier base? If so, Interise can develop a customized Supplier Capacity Program that meets your goals and objectives.

Here’s how it works: We start by developing a certification protocol for eligible small business owners, so they have the knowledge and credentials needed to work in your specific industry. After, we recruit, train, and certify the right small businesses to partner with you on your procurement needs.

By participating in the program, and working with diverse businesses, you can:

Better still, you’ll be promoting innovation among your suppliers and unleashing the power of entrepreneurship in communities.

Interested in learning more about the power of procurement?

Explore our
LEAP program.

Laura Laltrello
"Through our collaboration with Interise, we are supporting inclusive economic development and job creation for established small$1,497,000 businesses while helping the city of Boston work toward its inclusivity and sustainability goals."
Laura Laltrello, Vice President and General Manager of Projects,
Honeywell International, Inc.
Stefano D’Agostino
"By collaborating with Interise, we are supporting inclusive economic development and job creation for established small businesses while also helping the city of Boston work towards its inclusivity and sustainability goals."
Stefano D’Agostino, Vice President and General Manager, Sustainable Buildings Honeywell


Reach out to learn about Supplier Diversity Programs in your area

Contact us to develop a Supplier Diversity Program for your organization

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Diversify Your Supplier Base


Companies with a long-term supplier diversity program generate a 133% greater ROI than firms who look no further than the suppliers they traditionally rely upon