

This Privacy Notice explains who we are, how to contact us, when we collect personal data, how we use that data, how long we may keep that data and your rights.

Who we are

The Isle of Man Information Commissioner (‘Commissioner’) is the controller for all personal data processed by the Commissioner, staff or other appointed Officers. 

The Commissioner is an Office created by statute with specific duties and responsibilities under the Freedom of Information Act 2015, the Data Protection Act 2018, and connected data protection legislation, and the Unsolicited Communications Regulations 2005.  All relevant legislation is available from this website. 

Contact us

Contact details for the Commissioner’s Office are provided at the foot of this page. The Commissioner also has a designated Data Protection Officer (DPO). If you wish to contact the DPO directly you can write to the DPO at the address provided below, or email

Our approach to personal data

We respect an individual’s fundamental right to privacy.  In general, the Commissioner endeavours to be open and transparent with individuals when processing their personal data.  However, in some limited exceptions, for example when investigating an allegation, it is not possible to do so.

Collection and use of personal data

The Commissioner processes personal data for the following purposes:-

Detailed information about our statutory functions can be found on the website.

Find out more detail about our collection and use of personal data.

Disclosure of personal data

In most circumstances we will not disclose personal data without your prior knowledge. However, when we investigate a complaint, for example, we will need to share personal information with the organisation concerned and with other relevant bodies.

Complaints about our processing

The Commissioner seeks to meet the highest standards when collecting and using personal data. If you think that our collection or use of your personal data is unfair, misleading or inappropriate, please bring your concern to our attention.  We would also welcome any suggestions for improving our procedures.

Your Rights

Right of access to personal information

The Commissioner will provide any individual with access to their personal data upon request, unless, and to the extent necessary, that the right of access is restricted.   

Other rights

If we do hold information about you, you can ask us to correct any mistakes. You also have the right, subject to any statutory limitations, to object to processing, to erasure or restriction of processing, and to data portability.  No automated decisions, or profiling, are undertaken by the Commissioner.

Please contact the DPO ( or use the contact details below to exercise any of your rights.  We may require additional information in order to identify you or the information you seek. 

Website and cookies

Cookies are small computer files that are used to track your use of a website. The Commissioner’s website,, uses cookies; further information can be found here.

Links to other websites

This privacy notice does not cover the links to other websites within this site. We encourage you to read the privacy statements on other websites you visit.

Changes to this privacy notice

We keep our privacy notice under regular review. This privacy notice was last reviewed on 06 February 2023.