
Data Protection Law - 2018

Several legal instruments constitute the "data protection law 2018". Those instruments, and how they are referenced on this site, are:

Legal instrument       Referenced:
Data Protection Act 2018   2018 Act
Data Protection (Application of the GDPR) Order 2018   GDPR Order
Adapted text of the EU GDPR in the Annex to the GDPR Order   Applied GDPR
Data Protection (Application of the LED) Order 2018   LED Order
The GDPR and LED Implementing Regulations 2018   Implementing Regulations

Full details are on the legislation page

Please note: 

We are working to produce guidance to reflect the new legislation. This will be published in the Data Protection Law 2018 document library as it is produced. In the meantime, the existing guidance under the Data Protection Act 2002 and under the EU GDPR remains available.