What the Indy 500 is like when you can't see a thing

Portrait of Matthew VanTryon Matthew VanTryon
Indianapolis Star

INDIANAPOLIS — Everything has been planned out for weeks. Brian Petraits and his wife Laura are bringing their two kids to the Indy 500 for the first time. Neil is 7. Noel is 5. There are so many logistics to consider.

How early is too early to get there? How late is too late? What's the best route to get from their home in Brownsburg to their spot in the Turn 4 infield? The kids will need toys (Noel likes mosaic blocks) and snacks (sour cream and onion chips). Do they have batteries in their headsets? Do they have their speakers?

And there's the biggest factor of all: Brian, 36, is blind. Retinitis pigmentosa, a degenerative eye disease, took his eyesight decades ago. Every detail matters to make the day run smoothly.

"It's about the experience and soaking it all in," he said. "It's being able to experience the event through the eyes of a 5 and 7 year-old, answering their questions, helping them grasp the magnitude of the event. They've never seen 300,000 people in one place."

Neither has he. But it didn’t stop him from having an unforgettable day. Here’s what his day a the track was like.

Brian and Laura Petraits and their children Noel, 5, and Neil, 7, walk around near the pits before the 106th running of the Indianapolis 500 on Sunday, May 29, 2022, at Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

‘A sea of humanity’

They wake before 5 a.m. and head out the door. They'd planned to get to the track by 6:15, but get caught in traffic heading into the North 40 lot. Laura drives, but Brian handles directions. He can smell the grills from the Coke lot and smoke from dwindling campfires. They settle into their spot by 7:15. It's closer to the Snake Pit than they're used to, but they unload their tent and set it up in the grass across the way. Then they start to make their way to the IndyCar Ministry church service in Garage 19 — Fr. Joe Feltz, who has been volunteering with the ministry for years, performed their marriage ceremony in 2009.

It's a trek for anyone, but doing it without sight adds an extra layer of complication. Petraits has a guide dog, a yellow lab named Phillip, but the congestion and heat make it unfeasible for the dog to come along. So his wife acts as his eyes.

Brian Petraits and his family (wife Laura, son Neil and daughter Noel) came to the Indy 500 on Sunday. Petraits has been blind for decades.

Brian clutches Laura's arm with his right hand and holds his cane with his left. Along the way, Laura points out what she sees, as she's done ever since they came to the race together for the first time for the 100th running in in 2016.

There's a cart selling Blood Mary's on the right. There's a vendor selling official team merchandise on the left. There's "Art by Justin Patten up ahead.

After the church service concludes, it's time to get going. There's so much to do.

They make their way past the garages, with Laura describing what she sees — on the left, there's a suite sign with the No. 3 on it. Further down, there's a black semi-truck trailer.

They turn right, making their way to the track. At this point, they're nearly lost in a throng of people. Laura and Brian, hand-in-hand, weave in and out of people. Neil and Noel trail behind. 

It's not long before Brian is standing on the track's 9.2 degree bank. 

"I'm really feeling it. I thought it would be very subtle," he said. "If it weren't for the incline, I wouldn't know what I'm looking at. With the whistles of the yellow shirts and the music, I'm thankful my wife is here and we're going in the right direction. It's a sea of humanity. It can be very overwhelming."

Petraits, who grew up listening to the race on the radio, attended his first Indy 500 in 2001, when he still had some sight. His mental images of the speedway and the cars come from decades ago. 

"I know what it looks like with a full grandstand, and what that main straightaway looks like," he said. "When Doug Boles says, 'All the grandstand tickets are sold,' I know what the grandstands looked like back in 2001. If there's been any modification since then, I don't really have a sense of what those look like."

He knows Roger Penske had made widespread renovations, so he asks Laura if the paint looks fresh.

"The wall is nice and crisp and white," she said. "Sorry, I don't notice the paint."

Off to his left, someone drops a styrofoam cooler. Cans roll everywhere.

"It all just exploded," Laura tells her husband. "They're stuffing their pockets."

"That's a rookie mistake," Brian says.

Neil and Noel kneel on the track.

"Neil, does it look any different than a road?" Brian asks. "Is it nice and smooth? Are there any potholes out here?"

A video board shows the Indy 500 princesses waving from red corvettes. After taking some photos, the group heads for the pits. The family knows crew members of Santino Ferrucci and Colton Herta's teams, and they're hoping to meet them.

Brian and Laura Petraits walk around near the pits before the 106th running of the Indianapolis 500 on Sunday, May 29, 2022, at Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

Petraits is a big-time race fan fan — he and the family will make the trip to Iowa Speedway in July and sit in the grandstands for the IndyCar race — but he doesn't have a favorite driver. 

"We enjoy it for the racing and the technology aspect," he said. "I enjoy seeing a fun race, an exciting race. Whoever has won it at the end of the day has definitely earned it."

They make their way onto pit row, with Laura pointing out different tires on the left, and cars being pulled onto the track up ahead. Noel asks if this was the fence that Helio Castroneves climbed after his fourth Indy 500 win, and Brian tells her it was the one on the other side of the track. Laura mentions Ed Carpenter on the screen, and Brian mentions that he's from Indianapolis. Laura mentions that Conor Daly's No. 4 car is on the track. 

"I think that's one of AJ Foyt's cars," Brian said.

Neil and Noel are enamored, until the allure wears off. 

"Can we go now?" Neil asks.

They make their way toward Gasoline Alley. A golf cart honks, and they move to the side. Laura points out a crew wearing Network TV vests ahead of them. She stops at the restroom  — one of the few times during the day that she's not by Brian's side.

Laura Petraits guides her husband Brian Petraits, who is visually impaired, as they walk around Indianapolis Motor Speedway near the pits before the 106th running of the Indianapolis 500 on Sunday, May 29, 2022.

What would happen if they got separated in a crowd?

"I get off to the side and start praying," he said with a laugh. "With this many people, you can't count on cell phones or being able to hear each other."

Petraits is the director of manufacturing for Bosma Enterprises, an Indianapolis non-profit that creates job opportunities for the visually impaired. He is fiercely independent. But today is different.

"I do most things on my own," he said. "But this is one of those things where I'll gladly accept the help."

What’s happening in the Snake Pit?

They're trying to cross Gasoline Alley, but they have to cross the path, go up the stairs and then back down.

"We need to go this way and around and...it's really crowded," Laura tells Brian. "You have me?"

They make their way through the crowd. Up 13 stairs, then a few steps on a platform, then up 12 more. Across the way, then down 13 stairs, a platform and down 12 more. Through the barricades. Laura pauses to make sure everyone is accounted for.

"In a crowd, with a cane, people give me my space," Brian said. "If I bump into someone, it's not like they're going to start a fight."

As they make it closer to the pagoda, Laura stops Brian when she notices Firehawk — the Firestone Tires mascot. Noel swaps her pink hat for a Firestone hat. She and her brother get a picture.

"I would have no idea there's a mascot here," Brian said. "Being here with a sighted person, it's helpful."

They make their way to their car in Turn 4, where they unload tables, beanbags and a grill. Laura secures a black and white table cloth, making sure the lines are straight.

"He couldn't care less," she said. "But those stripes have got to be straight for me."

Brian lights the grill. Neil and Noel put sausages on. Laura adds some eggs. Brian gets biscuits on a plate.

In the background, deadmau5 takes the stage in the Snake Pit. 

"Let's (expletive) go crazy," he said. "I want to hear you (expletive) scream."

Brian and Laura cringe and smile.

"I like the Snake Pit in that it brings in 30,000 people it wouldn't bring in, but..." Brian says.

"They don't even know it's a bad word yet," Laura finishes his thought, motioning toward her kids.

Laura describes a woman in a checkered bikini and white shorts. Laura mentions the flames coming from the stage. Neil asks when he can go to the Snake Pit.

"I'll be happy to go over there with you when you're 18," Brian says.

"Noel, you and I can stay in the car and paint our nails," Laura finishes.

‘We narrate life together’

Laura takes her kids to a wall near Turn 4, while Brian stays behind and sets up his speakers and headsets. He'll listen to most of the race from the track. They'll beat traffic, leaving midway through and listening to the finish on the radio. They'll watch the replay at home.

He has a few moments to reflect.

He and Laura had met each other when they were kids, both went to Brownsburg High School and both went to Purdue. But they didn't begin dating until 2007, after he'd lost his sight. His only visual memories of her are from decades ago. 

Communication between the two is paramount. As Laura says, "we narrate life together."

Brian and Laura Petraits and their children Noel, 5, and Neil, 7, walk around near the pits before the 106th running of the Indianapolis 500 on Sunday, May 29, 2022, at Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

"I can't see her facial expression," he said. "Is she happy? Is she upset? Does she have her hands on her hips and she's really upset?"

It's a beautiful love story. They're frequently sharing a smile, laugh or light touch.

"She looked past the blindness and saw me for who I am," he said of his wife. "God put us together at the right time and in the right place."

Petraits doesn't cut grass ("She makes the lines a lot straighter than I do," he says) and doesn't drive. But he does dishes and laundry. He makes sure his kids get picked up on time. He watches his daughter's soccer game, as his parents tell him when Noel scores. He plays baseball with Neil, throwing the ball and having him roll it back. He'll play with nerf guns. He'll play with water guns.

He is a husband, a dad and a friend. He just happens to be blind.

"Having a dad that can't see, there are things they go through that other kids don't," Petraits said. "But they know we love them to the nth degree."

’I’m just taking it all in’

The family makes its way closer to the track barrier in Turn 4. He walks on the IndyCar road course, feeling the bumps of the rumble strip — a pattern of dark blue grooves, then sky blue, then white.

"Hey dad, there are a lot of people," Noel tells Brian.

Laura mentions a fan carrying a large red inflatable marker. Moments later, a fan drops a beer.

"Party foul," she tells Brian. "Dropped a beer in a koozie. She picked it up. Quick recovery. Don't cry over spilled beer."

Brian Petraits and his family (wife Laura, son Neil and daughter Noel) came to the Indy 500 on Sunday. Petraits has been blind for decades.

Taps plays, then the National Anthem, then Back Home Again in Indiana. Brian tells his kids the meaning of each song.

Then, the Thunderbirds fly.

Brian can't see them, but he stares skyward in awe as they soar overhead.

The smile on his face is priceless.

Laura grabs Brian's hand, drawing it through the air in the direction of the jets. As the Thunderbirds fly over a second time, she traces the direction on his chest.

U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds fly over the pagoda Sunday, May 29, 2022, ahead of the 106th running of the Indianapolis 500 at Indianapolis Motor Speedway

Then, the engines roar.

Soon enough, 33 cars make their way to Turn 4. Brian can't stop smiling. 

"I can imagine them going nose-to-tail-to-nose, maybe with a car trying to make a pass," he said. "I'll listen to the rest of the race on the radio. But for now, I'm just taking it all in."

They make their way back to their tent. Laura and the kids go off to get a picture of the Purdue Marching Band. Brian sets up his speakers, settles into his chair and tunes his radio to WIBC. 

This is his happy place, with his family by his side. Petraits is a thankful man, and moments like these are the ones he cherishes most. 

He gets the attention of his kids before they run off again.

"Hey guys," he says. "Thanks for being here."

Laura interjects.

"Thank you," she said. "You planned it."

Follow IndyStar trending and enterprise sports reporter Matthew VanTryon on Twitter @MVanTryon and email him story ideas at matthew.vantryon@indystar.com.