Neutral on Nazism: Indiana lawmaker walks back remark that teachers must be impartial

Portrait of Arika Herron Arika Herron
Indianapolis Star

An Indiana state senator who is facing criticism for saying teachers must be impartial when discussing Nazism is walking back his remarks. 

Indiana state Sen. Scott Baldwin said he wasn’t clear when he said a bill he filed at the Indiana Statehouse would require teachers to be impartial in their teaching of all subjects, including during lessons about Nazism, Marxism and fascism.

During a committee hearing Wednesday about Senate Bill 167, a wide-ranging bill inspired by the national discourse over critical race theory, history teacher Matt Bockenfeld raised concerns about what the bill would require of teachers. He gave what he thought was an extreme example.

“For example, it’s the second semester of U.S. history, so we're learning about the rise of fascism and the rise of Nazism right now,” Bockenfeld said. “And I'm just not neutral on the political ideology of fascism. We condemn it, and we condemn it in full, and I tell my students the purpose, in a democracy, of understanding the traits of fascism is so that we can recognize it and we can combat it.”

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Bockenfeld said that, even if it wasn’t the intent of the bill, he was afraid it would require teachers to be neutral on all topics.

“Of course, we're neutral on political issues of the day,” he said. “We don't stand up and say who we voted for or anything like that. But we're not neutral on Nazism. We take a stand in the classroom against it, and it matters that we do.”

Baldwin, a Republican from Noblesville, said that may be going too far.

Baldwin said he doesn’t discredit Marxism, Nazism, fascism or “any of those isms out there.”

Scott Baldwin

“I have no problem with the education system providing instruction on the existence of those isms,” he said. “I believe that we've gone too far when we take a position on those isms ...  We need to be impartial.”

Baldwin said that even though he is with Bockenfeld “on those particular isms,” teachers should “just provide the facts.”

“I’m not sure it’s right for us to determine how that child should think and that’s where I’m trying to provide the guardrails,” Baldwin said.

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In an email to IndyStar Thursday, Baldwin said his intent with the bill was to ensure teachers are being impartial when discussing “legitimate political groups.”

"When I was drafting this bill, my intent with regard to 'political affiliation' was to cover political parties within the legal American political system,” he said. “In my comments during committee, I was thinking more about the big picture and trying to say that we should not tell kids what to think about politics.

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“Nazism, Marxism and fascism are a stain on our world history and should be regarded as such, and I failed to adequately articulate that in my comments during the meeting. I believe that kids should learn about these horrible events in history so that we don't experience them again in humanity.”

Baldwin said he’d continue to work on the bill to get at his original intent: “impartiality of legitimate political groups.”

SB167 is wide ranging 

The exchange came during a nearly eight-hour hearing on SB 167, a wide-ranging bill containing several controversial education proposals. It would require schools develop curriculum committees that include parents, to review all education materials, and develop portals containing materials, texts and lesson plans to allow parents to review everything taught in the classroom. It would remove an exemption to laws about distributing material harmful to minors for schools and public libraries.

The majority of public testimony and objection to the bill though centers on a section of the bill that would prohibit schools from teaching a variety of concepts related to sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, national origin, or political affiliation is inherently superior or inferior. The bill is largely seen as a response to the debate around critical race theory, which is not taught in K-12 schools but has become a catch-all term for issues around race, racism and social emotional learning.

Some support the legislation

While many teachers opposed the bill on Wednesday, there were plenty of supporters, too. It also responds to requests from parents for more transparency in their children’s education. Nationwide, parents have raised concerns about what their children are being taught and have accused teachers of indoctrinating children with leftist ideology.

Gov. Eric Holcomb has declined to weigh in on the CRT debate. A spokesperson said Thursday he would review any bill that came across his desk. 

Senate President Pro Tempore Rodric Bray, a Republican, declined to comment. Democratic members of the Senate's education committee and state Republican and Democratic parties did not respond to requests for comment.

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Keith Gambill, president of the Indiana State Teachers Association, said the bill could hurt the state’s already strained teaching workforce. Soon, he said, teachers are going to be afraid speak freely or go “off-script,” for fear of retaliation.

“We don’t want to create a system where we stifle our students natural learning curiosity,” he said. “We want them able to explore and to study without fear of, ‘Well, you’ve asked a question I am not allowed to answer.’”

Bockenfeld, a teacher in Fishers, said he came to the Statehouse out of concern that the bill’s vagueness would make it too easy for disgruntled parents and community members to make false accusations against teachers. Teachers and other school employees around the state have been targeted, as mask mandates and social issues have divided school communities over the last two years.

He said he was shocked by Baldwin’s response and was ready to fight the bill. Bockenfeld said he'd "oppose Nazism until they fire me."

Now, he said, he'll be working to make the bill better. On Thursday evening, Bockenfeld said Baldwin reached out to him and asked him to work on the bill, to alleviate his concerns. 

"I just want teachers to have the freedom to teach history accurately," Bockenfeld said.

Baldwin, owner of construction and real estate company Envoy Inc., was first elected to the Statehouse in 2020 to fill newly elected Congresswoman Victoria Spartz's seat. A Marine Corps veteran and former Indianapolis Police Department officer, he came under scrutiny last fall after his name was included on a purported membership list for the Oath Keepers, a far-right anti-government militia group with connections to the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection.

Baldwin denied he was a member of the group. He told IndyStar he made a $30 donation to the group during his unsuccessful campaign for Hamilton County Sheriff in April 2010 and has had no communication or interaction with the organization since.

During his first legislative session, he authored police-related legislation, including one that would crack down on protesters for obstructing traffic and another that would have prohibited a law enforcement agency from punishing an officer who used lawful self defense. The bills, a reaction to the Black Lives Matter protests, were unsuccessful.

Call IndyStar education reporter Arika Herron at 317-201-5620 or email her at Follow her on Twitter: @ArikaHerron.