The Big Tech Show: Hands on with Apple's new iPads: the good, the bad and the pricing

The Big Tech Show

Apple’s latest launch event took place in London yesterday, with four new iPads and a new Apple Pencil Pro among the latest innovations unveiled to journalists. It was once largely accepted that iPads were for leisure use and that most users (and indeed companies) would always favour laptops for business tasks but could this new generation of tablets from the tech behemoth mark a sea change in how tablets are used?

On The Big Tech Show this week Adrian speaks to producer Dee Reddy on the latest from Apple’s Let Loose event. He breaks down; the new products on offer, how the technology has expanded and why the newest tablets come with a hefty price tag.

He also catches up with Jeff Blaber and Stuart Mills at the event, to find out if he’s the only one who prefers his iPad to his laptop for work?

You can listen to the full episode here on the Irish Independent website or wherever you get your podcasts.