The Big Tech Show: From redundancy to CEO with the co-founder of Glitch Aisling Browne

The Big Tech Show

What does it take to build a startup? What kind of personality does it require? What kind of mentality do you have to have? And what do you do when you get there?

On The Big Tech Show this week, Adrian is joined by CEO and co-founder of Glitch, Aisling Browne.

Aisling began her career out of college working for the Redcross in London, but it wasn’t what she was expecting. She subsequently worked in Wales for the Welsh government but said the pace of life did not suit her.

Browne got a taste for startup life when she worked for Irish startup Wayflyer that secured €71.38 million Series A funding while she worked there. After being made redundant she applied for the founder's accelerator program run by Dogpatch Labs. That is where she met her co-founder Kingsley Kelly, a former lead engineer in Google and the Web Summit.

They then created their startup Glitch which was one of the eight teams that ended up winning funding of €100,000 from the program.

The Big Tech Show: From redundancy to CEO with the co-founder of Glitch Aisling Browne

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