The Big Tech Show: Drone delivery for most of Dublin by year’s end – Manna’s Bobby Healy reveals his plans

The Big Tech Show

When can Dublin residents expect to get a drone-delivered coffee? How is Manna Drone’s Blanchardstown operation going? And what are the company's plans for going public?

Adrian was joined on The Big Tech Show this week by Founder of Manna Drone Delivery, Bobby Healy.

Adrian began by asking what is involved in a typical Manna Drone delivery. Bobby explained that you order on the Manna app, drop a pin where you want them to deliver it. The delivery (usually takeaway or coffee) is then loaded onto the drone. The drone flies autonomously to the customer's house, descends and then the cargo is winched down to the delivery point.

Healy made the point that Manna is aiming to have their operation flawless in Blanchardstown before they extend their area of operations to greater Dublin. The Drone company boss stated that serving the Dublin area is within the company’s ability currently. He unveiled that they plan to offer their services to the Dublin hinterland by the end of this year.

On further investment, Bobby pointed out that he is open to IPO-ing the business because it unlocks unlimited capital for growth.

You can listen to the full episode here or wherever you get your podcasts.