Yvonne Hogan: 'Society imposes a time limit on how long a woman can publicly grieve a miscarriage'

New research from the UK showing that the trauma of early miscarriage can linger for up to a year after the event, causing PTSD and anxiety in many cases

Yvonne Hogan

New research from the UK showing that the trauma of early miscarriage can linger for up to a year after the event, causing PTSD and anxiety in many cases, will not surprise anyone who has suffered a pregnancy loss, or supported someone through it.

As a society, we are starting to acknowledge and talk about miscarriage and baby loss. There is a growing awareness of the psychological and physical trauma caused by such events, and women are starting to feel comfortable talking about it, and hearing about it - but only for so long. Society imposes a time limit on how long a woman can publicly grieve a miscarriage, but the psychic damage lingers.