Sophie White: I love my life but I daydream about having a minor accident so I can stay in bed for a few weeks

"My WhatsApp chats are awash with the injury-longing of my friends too." Stock image: Getty

Sophie White

Some recent (and mildly depressing) reading informed me that our 30s and 40s have been suggested by some studies to be the busiest times in our entire lives. Even while this statistic is not exactly uplifting for someone like me, who is slap bang in the middle of these two decades, I did find it oddly validating.

It’s pretty fair to say that life as an adult is like trying to thread a needle while riding a unicycle on a tightrope over a pit of rabid honey badgers. So the revelation I’m not the only one feeling like this was a relief, because up until now I was blaming myself. I thought I was just doing life wrong — screwing the whole thing up when it turns out it is life that is screwing me over.