The Shona Project: New podcast offers advice to parents of teenage girls trying to navigate modern life

The Shona Project podcast, launched on January 15, seeks to help parents through the conversations parents find hardest to broach with their teenage children

Alison Curtis and Tammy Darcy, hosts of The Shona Project podcast

Azmia Riaz

“Teenagers are growing up in the digital age and we need to be realistic. What’s missing is the preparation — we need to equip them for being online,” says Alex Cooney, CEO of CyberSafeKids, on The Shona Project podcast — a series launched in January that seeks to help the parents of teenage girls navigate modern life.

CyberSafeKids is an Irish charity that works to keep children safer online. Based on the data they collected from primary and secondary schools in the country, many children younger than 13 years use popular social media apps, despite the fact that they are under the minimum age requirement. YouTube is most popular, with 74pc of children using it. Snapchat is used by 37pc and TikTok is used by 39pc.