Tax and insurance discs could be next to go when digital driving licences come in, minister says

A motor tax disc. Stock image: Getty

Senan Molony

Digital driving licences will be an "optional extra" at no additional cost, the minister for e-Government has confirmed.

"We're not abolishing the plastic licence card, and the digital licence will not be the only alternative," said minister for e-government Ossian Smyth of the Green Party. The Irish Independent revealed that digital driving licences are being trialled by civil servants prior to their introduction in Ireland. Several countries, including Denmark, France and Belgium, are already using digital driving licences. Crucially Mr Smyth revealed that there will be no extra charge for a digital driving licence when a person renews their existing physical licence at a cost of €55. "It's definitely optional and I would like to set people's minds at rest, as we have had a lot of questions," Mr Smyth said.