Polish farmers demand less interference from EU ahead of vote

Polish farmer Mateusz Kulecki prepares his tractor for fieldwork, in Sadluki, Poland, May 14, 2024. Kulecki owns 180 hectares of land in northern Poland which has been in his family for generations. In spring, he participated in nationwide protests of farmers against the Green Deal. REUTERS/Lukasz Glowala

Malgorzata Wojtunik and Kuba Stezycki

For 33-year-old Polish farmer Mateusz Kulecki, June's European Parliament elections could be a chance to elect representatives that will fight against what he says is excessive bureaucracy and interference in how he runs his land.

A neighbour of Ukraine, Poland has become a hotspot for protests that sprang up across Europe as farmers railed against cheap imports from the war-torn country, as well as restrictions placed on them by the EU's "Green Deal" to tackle climate change.