‘I leased out my farm when I retired, now the tenant is wrecking the place. What can I do?’

‘I spent my life improving the land and it’s upsetting to see the damage being done to it. Can I make the tenant change his farming practices, or end the lease?’

‘The damage done to the land was unbelievable’. Stock Photo: Getty

Mary Frances Fahy

Query: Dear Mary Frances, a number of years ago owing to age and the fact none of my children had any interest in farming, I decided to retire and rent out the land.

We leased the land on a long-term agreement to a local beef and tillage farmer. Unfortunately, I have become very upset with how the land is being managed. I feel the farmer has too many cattle on too small an area, and in the bad weather we have had this year, they are doing an awful lot of damage to the place.