Eamon O’Connell: How to avoid costly mistakes when administering antibiotics, dosing products and dry-cow minerals

It’s all too easy to promote resistance, waste money and risk the health of your flock

'There are vets up and down the country cringing at the thought of a farmer gleefully pouring a 5-gallon drum of a white dose into the diet feeder'. Photo: Alf Harvey

Eamon O’Connell

I made a fatal error the other night involving hot chocolate. My four-year-old daughter gave me the big puppy-dog eyes, just as the clock showed that it was time for bed. “Can I pleeeeeease have a hot chocolate Dad?�� she asked, batting her eyelashes with a pout on her face.

The humour hadn’t been great all evening as all three of our kids have one of the several viruses they are going to get this winter. The regular signs of a hacking cough and snotty nose were accompanied by a very short fuse.